Favorite color of vines other than green?

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Harry watched as this strange kid hoisted Dudley over his shoulder. Harry was still trying to process everything that happened. Why did the kid have a sword? Why was he so nonchalant about the whole thing? Why did they look so alike?

The kid looked at Harry and smiled. "By the way, my name is Percy," he said.

"Mine is Harry," Harry said cautiously, accepting the hand that Percy offered. He didn't know what it was about this person, but he felt like he could trust him.

"So, Harry, what brings you to this neighborhood at this time of night?"

"Well, *long explanation about wizards and his life*."

"Wow, our lives are pretty similar, because *long explanation about demigods and his life*."

Harry was dumbfounded. Percy could actually understand what he had been through! And what's more, he was here for a family reunion that his aunt and uncle were hosting!

Percy and Harry soon arrived at the Dursley residence. Percy waved goodbye and went back to his hotel.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2019 ⏰

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