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Percy Jackson: Set after Blood of Olympus, but before Trials of Apollo. Apollo is fine. This is an AU where that demon book series never takes place.
Other than that though, everything is pretty much the same. Percy and Annabeth ARE dating, but I have no clue how to write romance, so it will seem like just a strong friendship. Also, Persassy. Because, obviously.
Harry Potter: Summer before fifth year. Yeah, the timeline is screwed up. Deal with it.
Sassy Harry, because I LIVE for sassy Harry. No romance over here, but Wolfstar IS a thing.
Both: I am butchering the characters. Pretty much everyone is OOC. This is a crack fic, though, so it comes with the territory.

Petunia and Vernon were hosting a family reunion.

Sally head desked as she read the invitation. Percy, upon hearing the loud noise, came to inspect.

"Mom, what's wrong?" He asked.

"My stupid walrus of a half brother is hosting a family reunion," she responded.

"Oof," he said back.

-timeskip, Sally, Percy, and Paul are now at a hotel right by Privet Drive, in the name of plot convenience-

Percy was walking around the neighborhood to make sure no nasties have followed him here. He honestly wouldn't be surprised. So, when he saw two floating cloaks, he wasn't too concerned. He was more concerned, however, when the cloaks started freezing everything and making a beeline for two mortals.

Percy charged the cloak things in an attempt to get them to chase him, but that didn't work out so well because the skinny mortal with the glasses saw them, too. Must be clearsighted, Percy thought.

Soon, the mortals were backed into a corner. One looked absolutely terrified and was currently laying on the ground, and the other was keeping the cloak things away with... was that a light on a stick? Either way, Percy was glad for the distraction. He slashed Riptide through the two cloak monsters, turning them to dust.

The fat mortal on the ground whimpered in pain. For now, though, his cries went unanswered. Percy was more worried about the kid with the stick. They're eyes met, and they spoke at the same time.

"Well, this is awkward."

Harry Potter and Percy Jackson are both little shitsWhere stories live. Discover now