Chapter Six

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-- This story belongs to The Fantasizer/Mezzy18 copying this story and publishing it in your name is copyright/plagiarism, which is illegal. Do NOT steal this story.--

Y/N's P.O.V

We all looked down at the bus area, wondering where the hell the zombies had gone to. It wasn't everyday your zombie neighbors all of a sudden would disappear seemingly out of nowhere. I was shocked and scared, as were the guys. Looking at them, I realized one of us was missing.

Where was Jinxx?

"Jinxx?" I called out, hoping he was just standing behind one of the others and I couldn't see him properly.

Cc, Jake, Andy and Ashley looked at me, then looked around them once they too had realized he was gone. Furrows of worried brows appeared across their faces; it was obvious what we were all thinking, he had fallen off.

"Jinxx?!" Ashley called out, widening his eyes in alarm.

"Be quiet! I'm over here," We all turned our heads towards the newfound Jinxx, who was at the other end of the rooftop looking down at the ground with pure disgust written upon his face. "I think I found them..."

We shared looks of uncertainty, going to where Jinxx was to look at his discovery. Sure enough, down below were our undead predators, digging hungrily into their breakfast. It was a surprise to see six police cars scattered about the road, smoking tires and covered in fresh blood and guts. Everyone looked down in disgust, dry retching at the sight.

"Ugh... what a turn-off," Andy stated, swallowing a lump in his throat.

"Definitely agreed..." Jinxx backed away from the edge, wishing no longer to look at the horrifically morbid and unforgettable sight.

I too stepped away; it was as if a spell had overcome me. It had finally hit... all of a sudden, I was overwhelmed with all these thoughts, discrepancies and emotions that were flooding into my brain. Sure, last night had happened, and I had seen some pretty gory and unimaginable stuff, but this was different. I don't know what was changing my perspective on things, but I was all of a sudden filled with this unavoidable doubt; doubt that we would ever make it off this rooftop alive.

Shutting my eyes, I blinked away my tears, but to no avail. The drugs of hope and adrenaline were fading out of my system, leaving me a deflated, emotional, fearful wreck. Fat droplets of salty water slid down my cheeks, ruining my efforts and attracting the unwanted attention of Cc, who had noticed my small, silent mental breakdown and wrapped a supportive arm around my shoulders.

It wasn't long after when the others noticed our little exchange, and stared on with sympathetic eyes. I sniffled into Cc's chest, wrapping both my arms around his slim torso, careful not to be too loud.

"Look... it's all going to be okay. We just have to remember what matters to us most. What matters to you, Y/N?" Trying his best to cheer me up and be hopeful, Cc sighed, resting his chin atop my head.

I took a second to contemplate, and to clear my voice of any breakage that may occur during my reply.

"My mum... my best friend... my cat," I slowly answered his question, a sharp, stabbing pain ripping at my heart at each mention of my loved ones. It seemed to me I would never get them back, I would never get another chance to tell my mother I loved her, no more chances to see my best friend smile... I would no longer be able to cuddle up with my sweet little kitten at night, to relax at the feeling of her falling asleep at my feet. All these things I would miss dearly, and there would be no way for me to ever get them back.

"Hey, I'm really sorry to cut short your little counselling session, but I think I might have an idea; a really good idea," Andy walked towards the side of the roof that faced the concert arena, grabbing everyone's attention.

"What's your idea?" Jinxx questioned, folding his arms in annoyance of Andy's slight rudeness.

"Well, you know how there are, like, basically hundreds of undead monsters over there eating our royal protectors, right? And you also know how there are literally none left over there?" He pointed towards the arena. "I say we escape this rooftop the way we got on it, and equip ourselves with whatever we can find in the arena, and book it the fuck to the police station Y/N was going on about last night," He looked back towards us, watching our faces shift with pondering minds.

"That could work..." Jake slowly nodded, rubbing his chin with his right thumb and index finger. "How about it Y/N?"

He glanced at me, waiting respectively for me to think and come up with a reply in my sorrowed state. I took a second, wiping a few strands of hair away from my eyes.

"Okay," Nodding, I looked down at my feet, fresh tears threatening to surface from my eyes.

My hands were shaking; I was so scared. None of us knew what the outcome of trying to escape would be, and that thought shook me to the core. What If one of us were to die? What if we all were to die?

The answer unnerved me, so I decided to stop thinking about it. Sighing, I grabbed my backpack and slung it on my back, securing the straps on my shoulders. It would be a shame to lose what little supplies we already have.

As the guys busied themselves by discussing ways we could go about our plan amongst each other, I mentally prepared myself for the possible events that were about to occur. Looking up towards the sun, I wished it well; it was likely I may never see it again..


A/N: Welp, i've finally updated.

I know it's been a while, but I have been working on bettering myself and my mental health, so I decided I needed to take a break from things for a bit while I recover from some events in my life.

I hope you understand and have enjoyed the story thus far. 

Stay happy my dudes  -  The Fantasizer 

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