Chapter Eight

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-- This story belongs to The Fantasizer/Mezzy18 copying this story and publishing it in your name is copyright/plagiarism, which is illegal. Do NOT steal this story.—

Y/N's P.O.V

I sifted through the first aid kit Andy had found, studying its contents. There were 2 bandages of different sizes rolled up next to each other, a thermometer, cough syrup in a little bottle, a packet of Panamax, a pair of tweezers, a few alcohol swabs, a packet of band-aids, a couple of gauze pads, medical tape and scissors. I made a mental note of which items were partially used, and the items which had not been used at all.

We were going to make a stop by a nearby supermarket after we had raided the police station, where we would collect some more supplies that we would most likely need to survive. From there we would try our best to find a suitable place to stay for a while; a place in which we would have an adequate means to scavenge and defend ourselves. It was going to be very tough, but we had no choice.

I packed up the first aid kit and shoved it into a backpack which also contained 2 full water bottles, a tin of baked beans, a tin of condensed tomato soup, a can opener, my female products, a packet of walnuts, and a packet of cough lozenges from Andy's bunk. The baked beans, tomato soup and can opener had been attained by Cc and Jinxx, and the two water bottles by Ashley. In our other backpack we had put a tube of sunblock, toothpaste, and some breath mints which Jake had found.

Currently the boys were ransacking their bunks and luggage areas, of which they were familiar with. I was sorting the items we already had and rationing out our breakfast for that morning, which we were going to share out once we had finished organising. Since we didn't have a lot of food, and albeit a lot of options, I had decided we would be eating my small packet of salt and vinegar chips I had taken to the concert but never opened, and an opened packet of raspberries Ashley had found along with his water bottles.

"Hey, Y/N?" I looked up to see Jinxx, who had just sat down next to me.

"Yeah? What is it?" I replied, combing my fingers through my hair.

"I just want to say thank you. If it wasn't for you, I honestly don't think we would have made it as far as we have," He smiled at me and rubbed my shoulder, then got up to go back to what he was doing.

As he was about to leave, I stopped him.

"Jinxx, wait!" I exclaimed almost desperately.

He turned around to look at me, "Yeah?"

"Thank you. Really, if it weren't for you guys showing up when you did, I would have never made it on my own," He nodded at me and left, leaving me to my thoughts.

I can't imagine how the boys would have been feeling. Although I had already expressed to them my worries and doubts, showed them how I was feeling about everything, they hadn't actually done the same with me; as far as I knew they hadn't with each other either. They all had loved ones of their own, and it made me feel kind of bad that I hadn't yet asked them how they were going mentally.

"Hey Y/N, we've got all our toothbrushes, we found a spare one in the cabinet in the bathroom for you. Ours all have our names on them so we know who's is who's," Jake stepped into the room, holding 6 toothbrushes in his hand.

"Thanks Jake, thanks guys," I smiled at them, the rest of the guys having also just stepped into the room. Jake handed me a little pink toothbrush with flowers on it, and I smiled at it fondly, as it reminded me of childhood.

"We originally got it for Andy's friend's daughter because they were going to spend the night on the bus a few years back, although they never did. It won't be dusty or anything, it was still in the packaging." I smiled at the fond story Cc had just told me, it was cute.

"What's for breakfast?" Ashley sat on the arm of the couch and rubbed his hands together, acting oddly enthusiastic.

"What's got you so happy?" Andy inquired with his eyebrows slightly furrowed, leaning against the bench.

"What's got me so happy?" Ashley repeated Andy's question and Andy nodded with his arms crossed. "Nothing, really. I guess I just feel a little more hopeful, that's all,"

Jinxx smiled at him, "I do a little bit too," he turned his smile towards me. "How about you, Y/N? You feel hopeful?"

"Yeah... I guess? I don't know, I'm still absolutely terrified." I frowned at the raspberries and chips I had divided into 6 small groups on the tiny coffee table.

"Well... is this our breakfast then?" Jake pointed towards the food with worry written on his face.

"Yes, is something wrong?" I asked, worried I had done something to upset him.

"It's just... it's a little small, isn't it?" He crossed his arms and frowned at the ground, and I could see a tear welled up in the corner of his eye.

I didn't know what to do, I never have been very good at comforting people. Had everyone else seen as well? Maybe one of the guys could help comfort him instead, after all, I didn't want to make it worse. I looked at Cc to see if he too had noticed. Cc was looking at Jake in concern, biting his lip in thought. He looked at me and I caught his eye, trying to convey to him that I didn't know what to do and needed his help with this.

He looked back towards Jake and began.

"What's wrong? You can tell us," Cc put a hand on his shoulder.

Jake merely shook his head; he didn't want to talk about it.

"Can we eat now? I'm starving," Ashley interrupted, rubbing his hands together anxiously.

He raised his eyebrows at us, expecting a go-ahead. Cc looked at him in a disapproving manner, then sighed slightly in what looked to me as dismay. I regarded Ashley with a nod and he dove right in, grabbing at the nearest pile.

"You guys can too, we best get all the nutrition we can for the day," I gave a small smile to the rest of them and they each took their share.

I gathered up my portion and started eating the raspberries first, so as to savour their flavour. If I had eaten the chips first the strong leftover salt and vinegar taste would have stayed in my mouth, and I most likely wouldn't be able to taste the raspberries afterwards.

My meal was eaten quickly, as were the meals of the boys'.

"Well... that was a bit less than satisfactory," Andy tried joking, but we were all feeling too anxious about the upcoming task we were going to be faced with.

We were going to be raiding the police station.


A/N: I'm sure you've all heard this before, but 2020 was a tad stressful and anxiety-inducing. School work was tough, and it was a challenge battling my depression. I had decided to stop writing, as I believed it was only dragging me down and distracting me from more important things. I now recognise I was wrong, and I am fully aware of just how happy that writing makes me feel.

I will be continuing this story. Updates may be slow, but that is just how it has to be for me. I hope you can understand.


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