Chapter Five

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-- This story belongs to The Fantasizer/Mezzy18 copying this story and publishing it in your name is copyright/plagiarism, which is illegal. Do NOT steal this story.--

Y/N's P.O.V

I awoke to the sounds of groans nearby. Immediately I sat up, looking around in panic; I had remembered the previous events from the night before. Sighing, I looked at the boys, watching as the sunlight flickered across their war paint-smudged faces. I looked on in admiration; each one of them had their own little unique facial differences about them. They all looked so peaceful sleeping the way they were.

Cc moved a little and furrowed his brow, signalling he was waking up. Slowly his eyes began to open and he looked at me, confusion as to why I was watching him flashing across his face. I smiled sheepishly, and I felt so damned awkward. The air filled with awkward tension, making it unbearable to look at him any longer.

"Why are you staring at me?" He looked up at me, sitting up casually.

"I wasn't... umm... Oops?" I looked back at his well-rested face, the feeling of foolishness overtaking me.

"Heh... okay then. How did you sleep? I mean... considering things," He looked down at the ground, playing with a loose bit of tar.

"I slept okay I guess. Even though it was cold as all hell," I laughed a little, also playing with some tar. He nodded, glancing over at a sleeping Jake.

"So... why were you staring at me?" He looked at me, his eyes swirling with confusion.

Looking up at the sky, I sighed in sadness; showing him it was not because I had feelings for him, but for another reason, a reason I did not know of.

"I don't really know... I-I guess I was just-"

"Admiring the view?" I turned around in surprise at Ashley, who had his arms wrapped around himself, probably because he was cold.

He had a half-hearted smirk on his face; I knew he was just trying to lighten the mood, but after everything that had happened the night before, I found it quite difficult for my grieving to be lightened.

"Uh, no actually," I stated with embarrassment, hiding my face behind my hair. "I was just zoning out, thinking about what happened last night and finally taking in the reality of it... I guess I accidentally focused my gaze on Cc, since he's right next to me,"

"Honey, I'm next to you too!" Ashley mentioned, waving his arms in the air enthusiastically.

I smiled a bit, flattered at how much of an effort he was putting in to try and get my mind off last night; it was as if he wasn't even there last night and was just a close friend listening in on what his friend had to say, offering as much support as he could to try and help.

"Yeah... I guess you are," I smiled sadly, looking down at the ground once more.

"Hey, are you okay?" Cc asked me, touching my shoulder to make me look at him.

"No, I'm really not. The world has flipped on its head!" I flopped my face into my hands, strands of my hair falling around me.

I felt Cc's touch leave my arm, and I instantly felt as though I had done something wrong. The question was though, what did I do? I peeked through my fingertips to meet the sight of him standing up, taking a deep breath and walking to the edge of the rooftop to look down at the slaughterhouse we had escaped from the night before.

"Cc, what are you doing?" Ashley called out to him, frowning in concern.

"Analyzing Y/N's absolutely preposterous analogy..." He replied, squinting his eyes and pulling down his brow in disgust.

"What's with the accent?" I heard Jinxx ask, making me take my head out of my hands in surprise. When did he wake up?

"Oh, hello there young sir. My accent, you ask? Well, just trying to lighten the mood with a little British fun!" Cc grinned in my direction, his eyes glinting at my slight smile.

I looked down and played with more tar, slowly losing myself to my thoughts as the boys talked amongst themselves about the situation we were in and the people they had left back at home. I was feeling tired, as I didn't get much sleep at all due to my worry and determination to get us out of this city alive and able to survive.

Blinking a few times and rubbing my eyes, I reached over towards my backpack that the boys and I had slept around. I had decided it was time to ration our food. The boys noticed my sudden enthusiasm in surviving, so they decided to gather round me, pretending to be just as keen as I was to get in the game. I zipped open the backpack, taking a peek inside and deciding on our breakfast. I nodded in satisfaction, zipping it close again and Leaning back into a comfortable sitting position.

"I think we should start with splitting the Salt & Vinegar chips between us first; it'll tide us over until this evening, so we'll have some opportunities during the day to scavenge enough resources to hopefully last a few days, but then we'll have to go scavenging for more after that," I informed them, looking at Jake's confused face thoroughly. Was he confused at something I had said?

"Yeah well that's all swell and good, but can we just focus for a second on something else?" He looked at us expectantly, worry planted upon his face. I looked back at him, desperately wanting him to continue his statement. "Is it just me, or can you people no longer hear the sounds of the dead shuffling about their day? I mean, apart from us it's the quietest it's been since we've been up here,"

We all silenced, trying to hear what Jake was talking about. He was right, there wasn't a single groan in hearing range and all we could hear was the heavy, intense breathing emitting from the person next to us.

"What the..?" Jinxx stood up and walked to the edge of the rooftop. Looking over the edge he gasped, shock overcoming his facial features. He stepped back a little and looked at us, his eyes wide open and his mouth agape.

"They're gone."


A/N: To the people out there who wanted an update, here is your update. I am truly sorry that I couldn't make this chapter longer than it is, but my mental energy has been just so damn drained for the longest time and I really cannot think of any other way to end this chapter. I am trying to get my life back on track though, so let's see how that goes. 

Also I must let you know, before I am able to give you a chapter six, I must first: 

- complete a request

- complete a request

- start a request

Soooooooooo yeahhhhh, hang in there, I shouldn't be too long! 

See you in Chapter Six! (o)<>(o)   

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