Chapter Nine

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-- This story belongs to The Fantasizer/Mezzy18 copying this story and publishing it in your name is copyright/plagiarism, which is illegal. Do NOT steal this story.—

Y/N's P.O.V

Our footsteps echoed across the spacious concert hall and it seemed our heavy, suspenseful breathing could be heard for miles. Although we were trying to be as quiet as we possibly could, it was extremely difficult. My heart was pounding through my chest, and it felt like it was going to explode any second. Jake was to the left of me and Ashley to the right, Andy in front with Jinxx and Cc behind. It was decided that because I was the smallest, they had wanted me to be in the middle of our travelling huddle so as to keep an eye on me; they didn't want me to fall behind or get snatched away.

We moved slowly along the seating aisles with readiness; who knows when something would jump out at you from behind or above. The fear of the unknown was nauseating and I felt a tingling sensation at the back of my neck slowly growing stronger, like I was about to throw up. The sensation was growing and growing and I knew I was going to heave, but I couldn't do it here, I just couldn't jeopardise us like that.

I stopped walking and held onto the seat nearest me, looking to the floor in a daze; it was coming up, I could feel it churning it's way around my stomach. Jake and Cc stopped their movement and turned their heads to look at me, noticing my expression with looks of concern. I felt Cc's hand touch my shoulder, and Jake gathered the attention of the other three. I saw them look at me before I scrunched my eyes shut tightly, concentrating on nothing but trying to remove the dreadful feeling from my senses.

All of a sudden the feeling grew incredibly strong and my throat tightened. I hunched over and sat on the floor almost instinctively, clutching my arms around my stomach in a secure embrace. No, no, no, this is not good, not good at all. I tried my hardest to push it away, my hand clutched over my mouth whilst Cc rubbed my shoulder. My head started to spin, and all of a sudden everything around me disappeared.

Noticing that the nausea had dissipated, I opened my eyes, only to widen them. Before me on the ground was... me? I was hunched over, being cradled on the ground by a terrified looking Cc. My head was resting against the back of one of the concert hall seats, and the other guys were huddled around my lifeless-looking body.

"Y/N?? Y/N!" Whispering in a shrill tone, Jinxx leant over and put his wrist to my forehead, presumably feeling for my temperature. "She's all burning up, I think she has a fever," His voice sounded distant and seemed to echo, my brain barely being able to process his words.

"Fuck, what should we do?" Andy leant over and checked for himself, his eyes opening wide when his wrist made contact with my skin.

What was going on? Was I dead or something? This didn't make any sense! I'm outside of my goddamn body! I started to call out to the guys to see if they would notice me, but they wouldn't, just kept talking amongst themselves and completely ignoring my pleas for help. Soon their voices started to fade away and as they did a new noise greeted me. A loud clap of thunder roared around me and I covered my ears, wincing slightly at the sound.

The guys hadn't seemed to have heard it, as they hadn't made any movements to signify that they had. In fact, they didn't seem to be moving at all, as if they were frozen in place. I stared at them silently, stunned in fear and confusion.

For a second nothing happened and I stood still holding my breath, waiting for something, anything to occur so I could understand what was happening to me. After what felt like forever I let a breath out and was about to call out to the guys again when I heard... cackling?

"Oh poor child... you look so, so scared." I whirled around, surprise clearly evident on my face. "Do not worry, I will not hurt you. I wish to speak, to warn you," A few feet from me stood an old woman, hunched over, dressed in rags, and holding an ancient-looking wooden walking stick which rose at least a couple metres above her frail-looking body in her left hand.

"To... warn me?" Speaking somewhat defensively, I crossed my arms, narrowing my eyes towards her.

"Yes girl, you and your friends over there are in grave danger." The woman spoke, leaning her neck upwards so I could see her face. It was stern and scolding, you could tell she'd have some lip to her. For some reason though as I gazed into her eyes, I wasn't scared anymore. Instead an innate feeling of calm spread over my body in a wave, and it was as if I knew exactly what to do next.

Taking note of my blank and dazed expression, the old woman smiled, and then my eyes began to blur and my whole world started to spin. I fell backwards, and everything vanished.



Hey guys, if anyone still reads this book, I know I know, i'm bad at updating. I mean, the last time I uploaded a chapter to this book I was 16. I'm fucking 19 now. I'm so sorry hahaha Also it's really short too but I just wanted to get a chapter out I couldn't wait any longer. I've decided to change up the plot of the story a little bit. Don't worry it'll still have zombies, but it's gonna be coooolerr (in my opinion)

Anyways I don't know when the next chapter will be out but enjoy I gueess

Love you byeeee

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2023 ⏰

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