chapter 5: practicing and convincing

Start from the beginning

Is it possible to pass the baton to Adrien without your heart speeding up from the running?

"Y/n!" Kim yelled, cutting off your train of thought. You looked behind you and saw him, already nearing you. You nodded in determination. You can do this.

You practically bounced in your heels and took off slowly, reaching your hand out to him to receive the metal baton.

You took it and sprinted off. You were only halfway towards Adrien when you decided to check on your watch. 117-118-120-127 !!

"Focus, Y/n!" Adrien called after you. You kept running even though you could already feel electricity coursing thorough your veins. You panicked as you hear the familiar beep pattern. You checked your device once again and it was already on 135!

Before the last minute of passing the baton, you retracted your hand from it and ran outside the field. Adrien looked at you confusedly, his mouth slightly agape.

You slowed down, letting go of the baton to the grassy fields. You placed your hands on your knees and tried to catch your uneven breaths. You bowed your head down as you could hear your heart beating in your ears.

Adrien walked towards your side. "Y/n, what happened?"


You heard another set of footsteps behind you. It was Alix's. "Why didn't you pass the stick?"

The beeping went decreasingly slow. You stood up straighter. "I..." You stole a glance at the short, messy-haired chick before facing Adrien. "Alix should be the one passing the baton to you..."

Beside you, she raised an eyebrow in offense but decided not to say anything.

The boy in front of you scrunched his face in both worry and confusion. "Um, why?"

"I want to be the last runner."

You heard Alix gasped behind you and marched towards Adrien. "But the last runner should be the fastest one, Adrien!" She basically whined.

Before he could respond, you chimed, "...How do you know you run faster than me?"

You might've snapped a nerve.

Kim widened his eyes in surprise, surprise that this quiet girl could make such a savage comment.

Alix slowly turned around, her cheeks slightly red. "Wanna bet?" She grumbled.

"Let's settle this on the field, okay?" Adrien tried to calm the adrenaline junkie but it only drove her to a more challenging state.


Alix lowered herself on the ground, kneeling on one knee and her palms forward. She looked at you with sheer rage and determination to destroy you in this race. You looked back at her awkwardly and just decided to avoid her sharp gaze.

"Be in position!" Adrien called from the finish line. He stood besides Kim. "Ready!" The both of you went from crouching to bending.

You let out a deep breath. You have to win this, or you'll just hurt Adrien with your ability. This is for him.

You then heard the whistle. You instantly stood up and ran and ran and ran. The girl beside you seemed to be filled with passion and fiery anger.

She took in long, heavy steps, while you run in short yet quick strides. You realized you couldn't see her in your peripheral vision, meaning you ran past her.

But soon, you noticed her hand attempting to pull your hair. You ignored it for a few seconds, focusing only at the finish line.

A hand grabbed your shoulders. You shook it off frantically, then magically, Alix was at your other side now. You carefully glanced at her, waiting for her motives, but you just looked forward.

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