3- Trouble Magnent

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Starting off on Tobias pov

"Mr. Mcvay? Mr. Mcvay! It's time to wake up now." I heard a woman's voice say. My eyes fluttered open just as she threw back the curtains, practically blinding me. "Mr. Mcvay, so it seems that Mr. Maverick has left already. " I painstakingly got up and groaned from my ribs and the thought of forgetting to find some painkillers. The maid ran over to me with alarm in her eyes. "Mr. Mcvay are you okay, sir!?"

"I n-need some p-painkillers." I stammered out. I had forgotten how painful a condition I was in without the numbing. I was wondering why she was quiet for a while. I opened my eyes to see her staring at my bruised and battered legs. To my dismay, I quickly pulled my legs into the bed, under the cover.

There was really no need for it. She'd already seen them. "Ahem, I'll let the others know that you have a headache and that you'll be with them shortly." Truth be told I actually did have a headache but, I need some kind of anesthetics! On my way to a bathroom, I noticed the other bed in the room. It had been folded neatly and cleaned. Memories of last night came back to me.


I walked back to the bedroom I was told to stay in. Me and Mrs. Kate parted ways in the hallway. When I opened the door, I saw the boy from earlier sitting on the bed opposite mine. I tried to silently close the door, but when I turned back around he was already staring at me. More like glaring if we're being honest.

"H-hi" I squeaked out. He didn't reply just kept staring at me. When I went to say something again he looked away from me and mumbled something that I wasn't able to hear. I walked over to my bed without making eye contact. Mostly because I was staring at the floor the whole time. Thankfully his back was to me the whole time, so I'm quite sure he didn't see my legs.

I managed to however think myself to sleep. Thinking about how rude he was to his mother and how I wouldn't dare be like that to mine. In fact, I would give anything to see my mother again!

Jonah's pov


I was sulking while waiting for Tobias to come for breakfast. My mother wouldn't let me eat without him. At this rate, I was going to be late for school! My phone kept going off, notifying me that I had unread messages from Niviah.

I pulled out my phone t text a quick reply earning a scowl from my mother. "Is it that girl you're always hanging around with? I honestly don't get your taste in females." She muttered. "I wonder who I get that from, mother. You...or dad?" I asked smugly.

She just frowned. I grinned at my victory. Niviah is quite beautiful. But that's the only pretty about her. Perhaps even the clothes she wears. Not the ones to parties that is. After a few more boring minutes, he finally came to join us. "Finally!" "Jonah!" She turned to Tobias with a smile. "Tobias, nice of you to join us."

I noticed how he didn't look in my direction at all. Not even a glance! Even when he did meet my gaze, his eyes showed no recognition. Did he really remember me? Remember us!? What we- "Jonah take Tobias to school with you. He's not familiar with the area, And I don't want him to get lost!" Great. Now I have to drive him to school. "Wait! That's not really-"

"Nonsense! Jonah doesn't mind, do you, Jonah?" "Well actually-" "See? He doesn't. Now come along with me while I get you some hair maintenance." She practically dragged him away. I just huffed in annoyance. I waited in my car while she does whatever it is that she's doing.

I was just about to reply to something Julius sent me when my car door opened, and I watched as he got in. His posture was tense and there was this awkwardness that was very visible.

Everything about him was pointing out how uncomfortable he was! It made me -

"Here. Maryanne said to give those to you." I said while I tossed him the pill bottle. He flinched violently.

I made a mental note of it then cranked up the car.

Tobias pov

No, no, no! Why did he have the pill bottle!? Does he know!? Did the maid tell? If so, then his mother must know too.

The panic of them finding out one of my darkest secrets distracted me from my fear of being in a car. I gripped the handle/armrest on the door. At least when I'm in the passenger seat I don't hallucinate over and over again about what happened.

When we arrived I jumped out of the car and made my way towards the school. I couldn't stand to be in that car or any care for much longer! Jonah yelled something after me. But I couldn't hear over the blood rushing to my ears. It was at that moment that I realized that I was a danger/trouble magnet.


I finally heard but by the time I turned around, a car was dangerously close to me. Finna hit me to be exact! It, however, managed to swerve away. However, I did fall to the ground. My panic attack in full force. I don't who came up to me hauled me up off the ground.

I don't know what they were saying to me. I didn't even know when did the crowd form around me. But I do know that by the time I was heaved away, I begin to calm down. Not of my own will but, of something that my mother would always use to calm me down, her original rhyme. But the thing is my mother's dead. So who's chanting it?

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