Julius' Side:

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Julius ^

Description: [Cry For Me Spin-Off]

All is not what it seems with Julius Hernandez. He's Jonah Maverick's best friend after the terrible situation that happened some time ago. But as always, close friends sometimes lead to something more...but wait, what is he going to do with Harper?

Tags: #angst #bisexuality #blb #boyslove #boyxboy #boyxboyromance #bxb #gayfiction #gayness #inthecloset #lgbtfiction #malexmale #mlm #mxm #betrayal



A/N: If you ever have a crush on your best friend...science says  "Just go for it cause, YOLO".

I'm here to tell you science is wrong! What's the worse they can do, reject you?

Babe I reject myself, just by waking up and looking in the mirror!
Just saying.


2 years after the accident

Julius POV

Jonah has just gone through something really rough and personal. He wouldn't give me all the details. Just that he lost a really close friend. I deduced that it must've been the other person he hangs out with other than me.
He never let me meet them. He only talks about them from time to time. A name would slip every now and then but I never paid much attention to it anyway.

All I wanted to know about them is who were they to make him smile so lovingly all the time. What right did they have to break him so bad that he went as far as to date the worst person ever. Niviah Stiles was the Queen Bitch of the high school. This truth was so apparent that I'm even sure the person in subject is aware.

I wanted to expose how awful she was to Jonah but there's no way he didn't already know.

So I made up a plan.

A plan to catch Niviah cheating.


It was after school was over for the day that I was stuck with Niviah for planning one of her over-the-top parties.

We were alone in her house since she sent Jonah out to buy some snacks. I was going to make my move.

"So, I was wondering if you would like to...I don't know try something?"

She paused in sorting through her decorations box. "Like what?"

I leaned in closer to get a good look at her, and for her to get a good look at me.

Girls like Niviah are rather simple to figure out.

But are easier to please. To manipulate.

She's insecure,
Has an annoying God Complex,
And is in serious need of love and most importantly attention.

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