Chapter 27: Pay the Price

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(Wow, second warning I've had to make for this story. Stabbing and serious fight scene ahead. Read with caution.)

The front door slammed against the wall as George ran into the house, knowing full well that Harold now knew that he had snuck out.

His heart dropped when he saw the scene in front of him.

Harold was holding Ringo by his hair, the drummer's hands tied as he held a gun up to his head.

"Why hello George. We've been expecting you."

George trembled, not knowing what to say.

"Tell me what you said to John and Paul out there right this instant!"

"I... I t-told them to..."

Harold's grip on Ringo tightened.

"Tell me right now, or I'll do to him what I should have done before."

"I... t-they're off to call the authorities right now..."


Just silence.

George stared at Ringo, tears streaming down both of their faces as the guitarist let the blanket fall uselessly to the floor.

Suddenly, Harold let out a chuckle, placing the gun in his pocket.

"Well... I suppose that there was no better time to buy a box of matches and some gasoline, huh?"

He pointed behind him, and George saw the same two large containers that he had saw Harold bring in sitting in the corner.

"Too bad I have to get rid of the both of you so soon, huh?"

Slowly, he pulled out a knife from his pocket.

"But, before I do, George?"

George focused his gaze on Harold again.

"If you run off, I'll kill him immediately, you understand?"

Knowing what Harold was implying, George's body grew shaky.

"N-no... p-please..."

"You knew the risks of running off on me. Now you pay the price."

Harold slowly leaned towards Ringo, who couldn't pull back.

Having no other choice, Ringo squinted his eyes shut as he felt lips being placed on his own.

The sight made George feel weak.


Harold pulled away from Ringo, only to see that George was kneeling on the floor, looking at him pleadingly.

"A-anything but that! Just... J-just..."

George's voice died down as he lowered his head, closing his eyes.

"I-if you w-want to kill me... j-just... just d-do it..."

Ringo's eyes widened, but he knew that he couldn't speak his mind.

Harold raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, so I won't rape him."

George raised his head up.


Harold raised the knife up towards Ringo.

"You can't stop me from doing this all I please!"

Before George could respond, Harold slashed the blade over Ringo's right cheek, the drummer taking in a sharp breath.


"You left me no choice, Harrison!"

The blade plunged into an area on Ringo's shoulder blade, making him clench his teeth and squint his eyes shut again.

He tried to wiggle his way out of Harold's grasp, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break free.

Suddenly, Harold was thrown onto the floor, and the act was so sudden that Ringo was brought down with him.


Harold and George struggled against one another on the floor.

"You little bitch!" Harold screamed as he threw George up against a wall.

"No one does that to-"

A fist came crashing into Harold's face, and he let out a scream, pulling back and covering his eye.


Acting quickly, Harold grabbed a lamp from the side table.

Ringo was facing away from the scene, lying on the ground in pain as he listened to the commotion.

However, the sound of something breaking made him roll around.

George lay on the floor, broken pieces of porcelain scattered all around him.

"That'll take care of you for a while!"

Ringo quickly moved back towards the wall as he saw Harold turn towards him.

"Now, don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you now. He just had to ruin it!"

He threw the remainder of the lamp down on the floor, where it shattered.

"This place will all be fire by the time he wakes up anyway!"

His angry gaze fell on Ringo, whose blood and tears were spilling onto the floor.

"And as for you, well, seeing how the basement is stone, I'll have to set a different fire down there myself!"

Harold cornered him.

"Seems like you'll just have to die by smoke inhalation, huh?"

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