Chapter 4: Waking Up

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The nurse eventually made her way in front of the gurney to open a door. George, Paul, and John all watched as Ringo was rolled into the room. The three Beatles were then stopped by one of the doctors before they could enter the room

"You three need to wait out here for a moment," He said, "We need to hook him up to a monitor to make sure that nothing is wrong with him."

The three musicians all nodded in agreement before the doctor closed the door behind him.

"Well, here we are now..." John said quietly, "this is actually happening."

George looked through the small window on the door. He couldn't see much through the glass, but he saw that Ringo was being moved off of the gurney and onto the bed. He watched as the nurse wiped her eyes as the drummer was placed down onto it. He saw one of the doctors push the gurney towards the door as the other one made his way towards it. He moved out of the way.

The door opened as the doctor moved the empty gurney out of the room.

He gave a glance at the three Beatles before moving the gurney through the hallway. He was able to keep his expression controlled.

When the door was closed again, George sat down. He looked down at the white floor, waiting for when the door would open again.

"George?" He looked up at the bassist to said his name.

"Y-you're not going to cry again, are you?" Paul asked.

George lowered his head, closing his eyes.

"I don't know," he said, his voice not showing any emotion.

"Paul, just leave him as he is for now," John said as he guided Paul to the two other seats.

They all sat down next to each other again. John held Paul in his arm, comforting him. George clasped his hands together, silently praying that this was all just a dream.

He knew though.

He knew that this was real.

His eyes opened when he heard the door open. He looked over so see the nurse holding the door open.

"You three can see him now. He'll be waking up shortly," she said quietly.

The three musicians stood up and walked into the room. John was the last one to enter. As he passed the nurse, he was sure that there were tears in her eyes.

The other doctor was standing next to the unconscious drummer. He turned around.

"He's alright. His heart rate is normal and he's breathing fine. Just don't touch the spot in his neck..." He stated. He walked over to the nurse and left the room with her.

John and Paul sat in the two chairs on the left side of the bed. George sat in the one on the right. The rhythmic beeping of the hospital monitor was the only sound in the room.

George looked at Ringo. If it wasn't for the scar on his neck or the tubes and wires that connected him to the monitor and the medicine pump, George would have thought that he was peacefully sleeping. 

He was nervous. They all were. They all knew too well how Ringo would react upon finding out that the bullet had permanently damaged his vocal cords, let alone to the point where he wasn't able to talk.

Never again would George hear him laugh. Never again would he hear the drummer ask him a question. 

Never again would George here him say I love you.

George placed a hand in Ringo's hair, staring at his face.

"Oh, Richie..." he whispered.

Paul couldn't stop looking at Ringo. His mind was blank, tired from the hours of waiting that he had to endure.

John leaned forwards so that he could get a better view at what George was doing. He saw that the guitarist had his hand in Ringo's hair as he tried to hold back tears.

'Any moment now,' he thought, 'any moment now, he'll be awake.'

And he was right.

At first, no one noticed that Ringo's hands were starting to clutch the white, thin blanket. It was only when his head started to move that the three Beatles tensed.

George felt as if though time itself had stopped. 

The drummer's eyes began to flutter,  adjusting to the bright light on the ceiling. Once Ringo's eyes were half open, he looked at the figure that was in front of him.

His vision was blurry, but he could still make out enough features of the person's face to recognize him. The large eyebrows were enough to give away the person's identity. He reached a hand up to touch him, opening his mouth in the process.

He tried to speak, but no vibrations were emitted from his throat. Only air escaped his mouth. Before he could question why he wasn't able to speak, he felt something odd on his throat, right where his adam's apple was. 

He pulled his hand back, instead moving it towards his throat. George grabbed his arm before he could touch the scar.

Ringo's vision was clearing quickly, and he was now able to see that George's eyes were red and wet. In his peripheral vision, he saw John and Paul standing at the side of the bed he was on. He turned his head to them, trying to speak again.

Once again, the only thing that Ringo produced out of his mouth was air. He felt George's hand touch his cheek and he turned his head over to the guitarist.

"R-Ringo, your in the hospital. T-the doctors s-said that you'll be fine," George said softly. Ringo's other hand grasped George's arm.

"B-but t-there's something that y-you need to k-know..." The youngest Beatle stuttered. Ringo's eyes fully opened upon hearing George's words.

George took a deep breath as John and Paul held onto each other, knowing all too well what he was going to say.

"T-the b-bullet... t-tore through y-your vocal cords. I-I'm sorry, b-but t-the n-nurse s-said that you w-will n-never be able to... to... t-to talk again..." George struggled to get the words out, but once he did, he drew in a breath.

Ringo's eyes went wide. He tried once more to talk, but just like the last two times, he couldn't feel any vibrations.

He closed his eyes as tears began to form.

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