Chapter 9: Going out

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Fifteen minutes felt like an eternity to Ringo. It felt like an eternity to all of them. But once the clock reached 10:00, they all knew who had to be coming.

John and Paul had gone back to their bed. They were both listening to the television as the local weather was reported.

Sunny skies. Just like the day before.

George was on the other bed as Ringo was once again gazing out the window. The drummer did not care as to who would see him and how that person would react. He just focused on the sky.

The blue, clear sky looked just as beautiful as it did the day before. Occasionally, a bird would fly across it, but it was otherwise spotless.

The sun was covered by the buildings outside, so Ringo had no trouble with viewing anything. He looked behind him when a knock was heard.

"Boys, it's time," Brian said. John got up and walked over to the door, unlocking it.

Brian walked inside.

"Uh, Eppy, if the announcement's to be made at noon, then why did we have to be ready by ten?" Paul asked the manager as he walked over to his bed.

"Well... I just wanted some time for all of us to... I don't know... go for a drive or somethin'? At least something that would calm all of our nerves for now," Brian said.

"Oh.. well that doesn't seem like a bad idea," John stated.

Ringo walked away from the window and stood in front of his bed. George looked at him before asking his question.

"Well, are we goin' now?"

"If ya all want to."

The four Beatles all nodded in agreement.

"Well then, what are we waitin' for?"

Within a minute, all five people were out in the hallway. Brian was at the front of the group.

"Ay Eppy, where's Mal and Neil?" John asked.

"The two of them are currently making preparations for the announcement. They have to make sure that no one shady comes in."

Ringo shuddered a bit.

"W-why didn't t-they notice anyone s-suspicious at t-the concert?" George asked upon seeing how uncomfortable Ringo was.

"W-well, they t-told me that they d-din't think that anything was goin' to happen. They d-didn't focus. Even then, they t-told me that they did not see anyone with a weapon... T-they wanted me to tell you that they're sorry..."

"We understand, Eppy. After all..." John paused as they got in the elevator, "I don't t-think that any o-of us expected this to happen..."

As the elevator doors closed, Ringo looked away from the group.

'They aren't to blame. This was going to happen no matter what.' He thought.

The group was silent as the elevator moved down to the first floor lobby.

When the doors finally opened, the group quickly made their way to the hotel's entrance.Once they were all outside, Brian took a key out of his pocket and approached the same limo that he had driven yesterday.

"Ringo, would you like to sit in the front with me?" He asked the drummer as he got inside. 

Ringo thought about it for a moment. George nodded at him, letting him know that he could sit in the front if he wanted to.

Ringo nodded.

He made his way to the other side of the limo and got in the passenger's seat that was across from Brian. The three other Beatles all got in the second row of seats.

"So, Eppy," Paul asked as the limo started to move, "are we goin' anywhere in particular?"

"If ya want to," Brian responded.

"You can just drive wherever ya want to," Paul said.

As Brian continued to drive, he reached over to turn the radio on.

"I been told when a boy kiss a girl, take a trip around the world!"

Ringo sat up straight upon hearing the song. It was him who sung it. The other Beatles all tensed upon hearing it.

Brian, realizing what the song was, once again reached his hand over to the radio to change the channel.

A hand grabbed his arm before he could change it. 

Brian looked over, thankful that he had just stopped at a red light.

Ringo was looking at him, eyes noticeably glossy. The drummer shook his head at Brian. John, Paul, and George understood what Ringo's notion was as well.

Brian pulled his hand away when Ringo let go of his arm. The light then turned green and he once again continued to drive.

"My girl says when I kiss her lips, gets a thrill through her fingertips!" 

Ringo felt his tears threatening to escape his eye and he turned his head away from Brian, looking out of the dark window instead.

He was happy for the fact that no one outside could see his tears falling from his eyes.

His own voice made everyone in the limo get an uneasy feeling.

Brian sighed as he tried to brush off the uneasiness.

John leaned against Paul, who was shaking slightly shaking.

George was looking out the window, his heart being stung by the singing voice. A part of him wanted Brian to change the radio channel, but he wanted to hear Ringo's voice again, even though he knew that it was just a recording of it.

When the song ended, the atmosphere in the limo lifted. Ringo wiped his eyes and faced forward, looking out of the windshield.

After some time passed by, Brian looked at his watch.

"Half past eleven. We'll have to arrive there soon lads," He stated.

The Beatles all nodded.

Ringo felt a weight forming in his gut. He knew that they all were nervous about this. George wasn't going to be talking the whole time, but he was going to be the one to tell the world about Ringo's condition. 

He exhaled. He tried once again to talk, but he knew that it was a pointless effort.

No vibrations were felt and all that came out was breath. He tried again, hoping to hear anything other than breath. Again, no voice was heard.

He stopped trying. 

He knew that he would never talk again. 

He just hoped that the fans would not cause a riot later that day.

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