Chapter 9

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A few days have passed by and now Baekhyun is sitting at his desk, a paper in his hands. He is closely listening to all students who are reading their essays. He is also quite happy that no one has chosen (yet) the same topic as him. It's always an advantage to have a topic nobody else has because people then don't compare the two works. Because when two people choose the same topic, it becomes a competition in whose better and who did it better.

"Chanyeol," Mr Choi calls, gesturing to Chanyeol that it's now his turn and he should stand in the front. The said boy smiles brightly and walks in the front confidently while clutching a paper in his hand, seeming not even a bit nervous. "What topic did you choose?"

Baekhyun smirks because he knows that there's only a small possibility that the younger chose the same topic as him because they both are the only ones left. Jongdae is almost crying next to him since he chose leadership as his topic and didn't do quite well, so Baekhyun has been rubbing his back soothingly for a whole half an hour.

"My essay is about handling emotions."

Baekhyun almost chokes at his own saliva as his looks at Chanyeol with wide eyes. Okay, you have to do a better job, Baek. He tells himself as he listens to what Chanyeol is saying ㅡ or rather reading ㅡ and he can't help himself but actually compare his own work and the younger's work. It's so familiar yet so different. Baekhyun even stops rubbing Jongdae's back. Jongdae looks up at Baekhyun just to see his frowning face. It's funny how the tables turn because the blonde boy is the one whose back is being rubbed now.

When Chanyeol is done, the whole class erupts into loud cheers and whistles. Mr Choi smiles approvingly and tells Chanyeol he did a good job and that it was the best essay so far. He then eyes the class until his eyes land on Baekhyun. He smiles at him and Baekhyun smiles nervously back before getting up. When he stands in front of the whole class, his eyes divert to Chanyeol who licks his lips competitively, his whole presence screaming 'Try me'.

"So, Baekhyun, what did you choose?" he smiles at him warmly, obviously noticing how nervous the blonde boy is. The teacher thinks that this is very unusual to Baekhyun since he has always been very confident when it comes to projects and talking in front of the class.

"I also chose handling emotions, Sir." Baekhyun smiles even more nervously (if possible). Calm down, he tells himself. Don't be so nervous or else you're going to fuck it up.

"Okay then, go ahead."

"It is necessary that an individual must openly talk about the things he or she perceives," he starts, suddenly sounding so confident as the teacher smiles proudly at him. "as withholding emotions also leads to stress and this can create problems everywhere from family to the organization where an individual is working and this, in turn, affects his performance at his workplace."

Baekhyun continues and when he ends, a loud cries erupt in the classroom way before his classmates could give him applause for his excellent job. The whole class turns towards Jongdae, who is crying his eyes out while wiping the tears away with the paper his essay is written on.

Baekhyun raises his brows and so does everyone else in the room.

"Exactly!" he points at Baekhyun, "People shouldn't hide their emotions, they should tell someone how they feel and that's what I am going to do now."

Jongdae stands up at his chair, his eyes scanning the whole class. He could hear a few giggles from the girls sitting at the very back, saying that he's back at it again. Even Mr Choi rolls his eyes upon seeing Jongdae's sudden outburst of emotions.

(Which isn't that sudden or unexpected because this isn't the first time he has done something like this ㅡ drama queens are like that)

"I am really really really upset about the fact that I did my best and I still got only 49% which I know doesn't match my abilities ㅡ"

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