Chapter 7

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Chanyeol sits down on his bed, looking through some of his notes.  A sweet scent of his tea lingering in his nose, distracting him from all the studying. Kris is doing something on his phone, enjoying that he has a free day the day after that. Chanyeol looks at the time, realising it's time for breakfast.

"Are you going to the cafeteria?" Kris suddenly asks as he puts and sweatshirt on himself, grabbing his phone with earphones plugged to it. Chanyeol nods and closes the notebook, putting it at his bed. Then he also grabs his phone, putting it into the back pocket of his jeans.

"Baekhyun is so cute." The taller comments when they are walking down the hallway and upon hearing that Chanyeol stops in his motions and looks at his best friend with a brow slightly raised. Kris looks at him the same way.

"You must be kidding, right?"

"No. I know you 'hate' him but after what we heard yesterday, I want to protect him at all costs."

Chanyeol's eyes widen as he slowly massages his temples while having an unpleasant expression plastered on his face. He hates the fact that even his best friend thinks that way about the midget guy. Why is everyone so fucking stunned by him? Chanyeol doesn't see anything special in him apart from the fact that he's annoying as frick. When he had asked a few people about him, they were always like 'Oh, oppa/hyung is really attractive!' or 'He's naturally so cute and I wonder why hasn't he had been in a relationship yet!'

It's so annoying.

"Chanyeol, you are just being salty because you don't have a love interest, aren't you?"

Chanyeol then laughs, showing off all of his teeth (well, most of them) before raising a brow. "Does that mean you have one?"

"Well," he licks his lips and Chanyeol rolls his eyes. "There's this one boy and I heard he's so obsessed with me, so when I saw him yesterday, I couldn't help myself but think that he's really cute. You know, that one from Yixing's group ㅡ "

"Yeah, yeah, whatever."

"Saltiness overload."

"Shut up and go, I'm hungry!" He grabs his best friend's hand and starts dragging him towards the cafeteria entrance. Kris keeps on mumbling about how he hates when Chanyeol is jealous and acting all bitchy. Chanyeol rolls his eyes and whispers something Kris finds offending, so he almost kicks him in the shin but then Chanyeol lets go off his hand and immediately runs into the cafeteria.

After grabbing his food, he goes towards their table, Kris trailing behind him. But before he could sit down and enjoy his food, Kris grabs his sleeve and looks in his eyes. Chanyeol swallows because Kris was too close for his liking. His eyebrows furrow and he's ready to push his friend away, because, shit, that is uncomfortable as fuck.

"Tao is sitting alone at his table," Kris speaks and his eyes flick at the end of the cafeteria. Chanyeol follows his gaze and he sees a black-haired guy with dark circles under his eyes, sitting at the very back table. Alone. "This is my chance now, so I'm gonna leave you. Maybe there's someone in here who is also waiting for you to be alone, so they can take their chance."

"Never knew you like insomni ㅡ"

"Don't you dare finish that!"

With that, he turns around and walks towards the younger boy. Chanyeol watches them and when he sees how the boy, Tao, smiles upon seeing Kris sit down next to him, he can't help but smile, too. He sits down and starts eating his food.

"Baekhyun is so annoying." He hears when a shadow appears next to him. He looks up just to see Jongdae, sitting down in front of him. Once again, before he could ask or reply, Jongdae opens his mouth and starts blabbering about how Baekhyun is acting bitchy and can not control his emotions and actions.

"Can not control his emotions? He seems okay to me."

That was actually true. To Chanyeol, Baekhyun seems like a calm person (at least in a public) who can control his emotions and handle it very well. Yeah, maybe he thinks that way because he doesn't know much about him ㅡ yet he hates him so much. He finds Baekhyun very competitive and he tells himself how selfish the elder is.

"Well, he is very good at controlling and hiding his emotions. But when he's angry as frick, he's like an angry cat. But he can't beat Kyungsoo tho. Why all small people are scary when angry?"

"Does that also applies to you?" Chanyeol laughs but he has to agree. Few things about small people; the fact that they are small doesn't mean,  that they don't have any strength in themselves. Being small doesn't equal to being kind and nice. Small people can also be fast as fuck (funny, since they have such short legs) and have no problem with stabbing you when you mess with them.

So, talk to tall people. They are nice and kind, their long legs are mostly a burden for them. Being tall doesn't equal to being scary and bad.

10/10 Park Chanyeols approve.

"Of course not, I am not that scary when I am angry even though people say so." He laughs before massaging his temples. "But Baekhyun is so moody. He once screams at me, then he ignores me, then he almost cries and then he ignores me once again."

"Give him a diary or something."

"What? Is he a fourteen years old girl?"

"It could help," Chanyeol shrugs and Jongdae raises his brow at him. "When I became friends with Kris, he was a moody bitch and all, but I bought him a diary ㅡjust for fun, to be honest, I didn't know it will work ㅡand after a few weeks of him writing his emotions in it, he wasn't that emotional and all... But I am considering that I will buy him one again."

Jongdae looks confused as he takes spoonful into his mouth. "Why?" he asks before gulping down his whole bottle of water.

"So he can write in it and Tao can accidentally find it and you know ... " Jongdae laughs and nods. But he's seriously thinking about it, maybe it could help him. It will help him or make him even madder, so there's nothing to lose. He thinks what would be best for him.

"Wait, are you thinking about it?"

"Yeah," he admits. "Baekhyun has a soft heart, so that fact that I will buy it for him could probably be enough."


"He cried when no one wished him for his birthday and when he found out we threw him a secret birthday party, he almost fainted from all the crying." Jongdae smiled to himself at that thought. Chanyeol raises a brow but decides not to comment on it.

"For how long have you been friends?" He suddenly asks, surprising not only Jongdae but also himself. He's not the type of person who would dig into other people's relationships and their personal lives.

"Well, we were both at the same high school, but we became friends after coming to college. To be honest, we had some kind of rivalry between us during our high school days. We both were in like school bands and we were the main vocalists, so we ... thought of each other as rivals. And now he's my best friend." Jongdae says, smiling once again. Chanyeol nods and says nothing else while eating his food.

"I don't know why he doesn't like you," he says eventually. Chanyeol looks up, his mouth full. Maybe because it's mutual? He's such a brat. He thinks to himself. "Your personalities would click so well. I think he would ditch me for you."

Chanyeol laughs. You wish.

"What do you even think of him?"


I just got diagnosed with tetany and I had two attacks in three days and I'm so tired and so scared.

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