Chapter 2

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"First of all, calm down."

"Fuck you."

"You're acting as if it's the end of the world," Jongdae says, rubbing his temples gently as his best friend is furiously throwing things all around the dorm. As Baekhyun stops and turns sharply around to look at him with anger in his eyes, Jongdae gulps. He lets out a nervous smile while watching Baekhyun ruin their dorm. The said male grabs a plate, ready to throw it on the floor. Jongdae grabs his roommate's hand before he can do anything he is going to regret later.

"It's not that big deal." Minseok appears in the room while holding a cardboard cup holder with two cups of coffee and one cup of hot chocolate (since he knows his little baby prefers chocolate before coffee). He places the holder on a table, taking out Baekhyun's coffee but before he could hand it to him, Jongdae stops him. His eyes say 'If you don't want this coffee in your face, then don't give it to him'. Minseok nods and pulls all the drinks far away from the angry boy. Then he sits down on a couch with his cup in his hand and watches carefully the scene before him.

Baekhyun smiles and then frowns and Jongdae lets go of his hand and runs towards his soon-to-be boyfriend. He sits down on his lap and Minseok pulls him closer by his waist.

"I am the best in all of my classes and clubs! There's no way someone could have a better GPA than me!"

"Don't be selfish, Baekhyun," Jongdae says and pulls the cup away when Baekhyun reaches for it.  "Those bitches who admire won't go away. It's gonna be probably some ugly nerd with those thick glasses."

Baekhyun glares at him before rushing to his room. Jongdae turns to Minseok with a triumphant smile on his lips, giving him a quick peck on a cheek, then he blushes and turns away, giggling. Never celebrate too early. Baekhyun comes out of his room and then throws something at his best friend. Jongdae flinched and looked at the item that has been thrown at him.

"You mean those glasses?" Baekhyun points at the glasses in Jongdae's lap and he gulps.

"But it looks sexy on you." Minseok turns to look at him with a raised brow. Jongdae groans and throws the glasses back at Baekhyun who gives him a gaze before putting the glasses on himself. Minseok elbows Jongdae when he laughs — such a supportive friend, right?

"It isn't about the looks, you idiot!"

Jongdae looks annoyed as he reaches for the cup and takes a sip of the hot chocolate. Minseok rubs his arms and Baekhyun groans even more at the sight. He himself doesn't know why he's so fed up because of this. Maybe he's a little bit selfish (just a little bit) but the imagination of someone better chasing after him and then taking his spot at the top — taking away all his dreams by a snap of fingers — scares him to the gut.

"Okay. I get it. But no one can be the best one at everything."

"Oi, stop being so depressing," Jongdae says as he looks at Junmyeon who has been arguing with Baekhyun about this 'rival issue' (that's how they call it now). Kyungsoo stated that they can date each other because of the same interests and if it would be someone else, Baekhyun would slap him (but he was scared of Kyungsoo). And when Baekhyun said 'Date him himself', Jongin got mad and didn't talk to anyone beside Kyungsoo who had to tell him that he loves only him, etc.

"I would like to know what would you do in my place," Baekhyun says and everyone laughs at him.

Jongdae smiles at him and points at himself. "I would never be in your place, 'cause studying is ... eww."

"I'm not even surprised that you are failing four of your classes."

Jongdae smiles at him sarcastically and puts his hand under his chin, looking Baekhyun straight in the eye. Baekhyun frowns and does the exact same thing. They both flicker eyelashes at each other and Jongin shrinks into his seat.

"What the hell are they doing?" he asks Kyungsoo, who only shrugs as he keeps on watching them with interest in his eyes (he is hoping for a huge fight because he is a good friend, so he would leave them be).

"There is a bigger chance of me not failing any of my classes than you being friend with that nerd."

"I see where is this going," Jongin says once again and everyone shushes at him thereupon he raises his hands in defeat. They all turn around to look back at their friend. Baekhyun is clenching his fist and is frowning at Jongdae who seems sure by his statement.

"You said that only because you want me to shut up about that new student — "

"That's what we all wish for." Jongin shrugs and everyone looks at him angrily. He just throws his hands into the air in annoyance and Kyungsoo slaps his thigh. They eventually leave the cafeteria together but everyone is so busy watching BaekChen to even notice. No one in the cafeteria gives a fuck because it's a weekend and if a fight is going to occur, they are just going to leave them alone. Junmyeon seems tired of his children's fights, so he stands up, grabs Jongdae by the collar of his shirt before dragging him away. Minseok is watching his Jongdae being dragged away and when he realizes what's happening, he storms out of the cafeteria.

Baekhyun sighs when there's no one else around him beside random people. As he stands up from his seat, a few girls come in and their ear-piercing giggles surrounded the whole cafeteria. Baekhyun raises a brow but decides not to comment about it. But when he walks past them, he hears not so pleasing information.

"The new student is hot."

Baekhyun frowns.

"Right? Oppa has everything a girl would wish for. He's handsome, smart and tall."

Baekhyun frowns even more and interrupts them. "Are you talking about that new 'miracle' whose GPA is better than mine?"

The girls giggle before nodding and pointing towards the door of cafeteria, saying that the 'miracle' arrived not so while ago and that everyone is so envious of him. Girls are going crazy and guys see their new role-model. Baekhyun frowns at the unnecessary information but thanks them anyway. He makes his way towards the crowd that was surrounding the front door and when gets through the big amount of people that were standing there, he sees a yellow Porsche parked in front of the school gates. His mouth is suddenly wide upon and when his gaze moves to a tall boy with sunglasses, who is heading towards the crowd, he is stunned even more.


Next to him is a boy that is even taller and next to each other they look like those handsome boys from dramas that everyone is drooling over. The crowd falls silent when the boys utter something in fluent Chinese.

"Chinese boys are fuckable."

Baekhyun throws the person who says that a disgusted look and that person the look returns. Rolling his eyes, Baekhyun turns back to his friends and the (fuckable, tall and oh god, so handsome Oppas) boys are suddenly standing in front them, greeting them with fluent Korean.

What the fuck is this trickery?

"I wasn't expecting such a welcoming but okay." the taller one of them says and Baekhyun rolls his eyes. "I'm Kris and he's Chanyeol, we came from China and we hope you will take good care of us."

Those wet girls scream a loud 'Yes, Oppa, we will take the best care of you' and Baekhyun is disgusted once again. The one who is supposed to be Chanyeol takes off his glasses and gives them a smirk before explaining the whole situation since his name sounds more Korean than Chinese. "I was born here in Seoul but he was born in Kanton."

Everyone nods as if they know where Kanton is and Baekhyun facepalms himself but when he does, he realizes something.

He was born in South Korea but was for who knows how long in China.

It all makes sense to him now.

My Chinese pronunciation isn't the best and that's why my GPA —


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