Chapter 4

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Baekhyun is much moodier than Minseok without coffee is.

Everyone on the campus is staying away for him 'cause they haven't seen him that furious before. Even Jongdae gives him space and he is that person who never gives space to anyone. So when the others heard about Jongdae staying away from Baekhyun, they decided that it would be best for them, too. Still better than Jongin getting mad, that little (well, not that little) dipshit can be scary sometimes — but that's still nothing in comparison with his boyfriend.

Baekhyun is frowning while storming down a hallway, his hair messy and the clothes he is wearing is the same as yesterday night since he fell asleep as soon as he returned to their room. He's much more furious than before because he's late and didn't have time to shower when he woke up. Books in his hands are jumping with his every move and Baekhyun wouldn't be surprised if they fell down on the ground since he was still kinda sleepy and the grip on them wasn't that firm.

Gladly, he manages to walk into the classroom right when the bell rings, throwing himself at the seat next to Kyungsoo who eyes him surprisingly but in the end doesn't say anything than hello. Which Baekhyun is grateful for since he's not in the mood for any conversation. That motherfucking dwarf is sitting right in front of them along with Junmyeon and when he turns around, ready to make a comment on how shitty Baekhyun looks today (and then apologize while saying that he looks like potato his whole life), the older shows him his middle finger and then sulks into his seat when the teacher comes into the room. A few of his male classmate whistle and Baekhyun rolls his eyes, already annoyed by their perversity (that teacher isn't even pretty and Baekhyun is not saying that because he's gay but because that girl is just a slut slut slut —  but that's what people like nowadays anyways). Showing your body is probably one of the most effective ways how to get into a relationship — even though it's weird then because Chenmin isn't a couple yet.

"Well, since Chanyeol is the only one here who lived in China for a while, I think he can say something about his life there!" Ms. Han says after a while, gesturing for him to come next to her. Baekhyun frowns, finally being aware of the fact that the giant Yoda is in this class too which makes him suddenly depressed even more (if possible tho). He stands in front of a class, not a single sign of nervosity can be seen as he flawlessly asks what they want to know.

The girls scream something like if he has a girlfriend or had one back there and the boys ask something about food and alcohol.

Baekhyun rolls his eyes once again.

"Did you like it there?" someone asks and Chanyeol laughs, nodding like a crazy.

Baekhyun loses his interest in listening (the one he didn't even have in the first place) as he places his head on the desk, drifting off to his sleep.

Loud noises, pain, and laugh.

Baekhyun opens his eyes, the first thing he notices is that he's currently sitting at the floor in front of his desk. When he looks up, he sees Park fucking Chanyeol with that stupid grin on his face. The smaller's expression switches from a confused one to an angry and frowning one, standing up almost immediately when he registers what the fuck that idiot just did. Kris is behind him, his attention diverted to his phone. Baekhyun clenches and unclenches his fist, ready to meet it with the giant's face.

"You can stop trying now," the taller says as he puts even more annoying smirk on his face. Baekhyun raises a brown, not wanting to waste his time by talking. "This is my territory now. You won't be the best ever again, so your effort is really meaningless. I am the best here at this moment. You can hate me as much as you want but that won't give you your titles back."

Baekhyun laughs, not even a bit affected by his stupid words. "Only thing that is meaningless here are your words. This ain't your territory and won't ever be, get your facts straight, you shithead. And the fact that you pulled my chair so I could fall says something. Not gonna waste my time with someone like you, bye."

With those words Baekhyun turns around, a pleasing smile plastered on his face as he heads to his another class.

"And you thought it would be easy," Kris says, patting his best friend's shoulder. Chanyeol frowns, complaining about how rude that brat is. Kris just rolls his eyes and begins to go away.

The smaller boy is bumping into anyone who is in his way, not caring if it's a teacher, student or column (yeah, running into it does hurt — in fact, it's fucking painful). Baekhyun doesn't mind it because of the adrenalin running through his veins. The rest of the day is so tiring but Baekhyun can't get the image of his potential enemy and the ways how to kill him in his sleep out of his head.

So when is the asshole sitting at their table in the cafeteria along with his friends, he turns around, deciding he's not hungry anymore. Funny how only one single person can make you lose your appetite. Arriving at their dorm, Baekhyun locks himself in his room (prevention from Jongdae) as he falls onto his bed, face buried into the soft sheets — he just hopes the two idiots haven't done it there once again. His face is suddenly full of disgust as he turns around, his face facing the ceiling this time. He just wants to sleep.

"Come in, Chanyeol-ah, sit down and make yourself at home. Would you like any drink? We have coffee, tea or soju — oh, you haven't heard that!" Jongdae giggles and Baekhyun's eyes widen. He actually brought him here? What the fuck is he thinking? He thinks as he slowly moves to the door to hear better. Also, Jongdae has alcohol here?

"Is your roommate here?" the taller suddenly asks and Baekhyun frowns. No, your nightmare isn't here. Baekhyun wonders why the fuck is Chanyeol asking that when he clearly hates him (well, at least it's mutual). He puts his ear on the wooden door, pouting angrily.

"Who? Baekhyun? I don't think so, he's probably wandering somewhere around the campus, he's a little bit off lately."

"He hates me, doesn't he?" Baekhyun opens his mouth in shock, whispering some insults. Jongdae sighs and then there's a silence for a while.

"Well, yeah, but it's a momentary thing." If your idiocy isn't a momentary thing, this is not either. "He's kinda hurt that there's someone better than him in studying and all."

"That's kinda selfish." Look who's talking.

"Yeah, but what can we do, let's start our project, okay?"

Baekhyun frowns, walking quietly towards his bed as he falls on it and screams into the pillows. Fuck y'all.

"Good luck, Byun Baekhyun," says Chanyeol the other day to the smaller. Why? Chanyeol knew all the time that he was locked in his room yesterday and kinda figured out that Baekhyun forgot to study on their Chinese test. The taller's words make him ten times more furious than he normally is in the presence of the other boy. Baekhyun smirks and pats his back.

"Of course."

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