Chapter 8

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"You're being too bitchy."

"You're being too whiny."

Jongdae rolls his eyes, before turning to his bag. He starts looking through it and Baekhyun sighs, ready to leave but Jongdae immediately stops him in his motions. The blonde boy looks in his best friend's hand, just to see some kind of a book. It was a leather book with a pen attached to it. He looks closer and sees a small 'BBH' written on it.

"What is this?" He asks, amazed by the book. Also, his initials were written on it so that makes him even more curious and surprised and you know ㅡsuspicious.

"I thought," he giggles, "That giving you a diary would be a perfect way to kinda makeup and ... maybe if you're gonna write in it your fears and all, you can be more relieved and at ease."

"I am perfectly okay, stop treating me like ㅡ " Baekhyun frowns as he snatches the book from his hands, slowly flipping through the pages. On each page in the left corner is in cursive written 'Date:'. Baekhyun is stunned because he's always wanted to have a diary, but he thought it was childish and girlish.

"Nonono, that's not what I meant. Just take it and write in it how much you hate me."

"Aish," He sighs and steps closer to his best friend, slowly wrapping his hands around his neck. Jongdae is surprised at first but then wraps his hands around him, too. He knows Baekhyun is stressed and all, so he just pats his back soothingly. Baekhyun grips the material of his shirt before saying, "You know I would never hate you, right? You're my best friend and I am yours."

Jongdae nods. "So accept my gift for you,"

He looks at the diary in Baekhyun's hands and smiles. "And accept my apology. I am sorry for making you like Chanyeol. I won't push you anymore."

"Thank you." Baekhyun smiles sweetly.

"What are you doing?" A voice echoes in his ears as he writes his essay. He looks up and sees Kyungsoo sitting down next to him. Baekhyun smiles and shows him the essay. Kyungsoo nods knowingly and takes out his books too. The elder takes a quick glance at the books just to see that they were psychology books.

"Kyungsoo-yah?" he asks as he places his pen down, stretching his arms and back. Kyungsoo 'hm's and opens once of his book at a random page.

"You study psychology, right?"

The younger nods while looking up at his friend.

"Will it help me if I write my feelings in this?" he points at the diary at the table and the younger raises his brows, looking quite surprised at the sudden question.

"It depends." he shrugged before starting writing down his notes. Baekhyun sighs and slowly opens his diary, not sure if it's a good idea or not. He slowly takes his pen again, putting the essay on the side. He looks helplessly at the first page of the diary.

How should I start? He thinks before shaking his head and closing the diary again.

I am doing this for Jongdae. He thinks again and opens the book again. Kyungsoo quickly looks up at him with the expression 'What the fuck are you doing?' on his face but decides not to comment on it.

Suddenly a laugh appears behind them. They both avert their gazes from their books and see Jongin smiling brightly at them. Kyungsoo almost squeals and fly from his seat, hugging his boyfriend tightly. Baekhyun rolls his eyes and waves at Jongin, who smiles at him back.

"Hi, baby," Jongin says and the oldest of them all hears some weird sound, realising that they're probably kissing now. Shit, I am lonely as frick.

"Can't believe you have a diary," he laughs silently and sits down next to Kyungsoo, taking his hand in his own. Baekhyun send him a deadly glare and then rolls his eyes, putting the diary in his back. "But the thing I can't believe more is that you both have a free day, yet you are in the library, doing things for school."

Kyungsoo glares at him and says something like that not everybody doesn't care about their educations and that not everybody doesn't like school like him to which Jongin replies that he DOES care about his education, but he would rather be all day in his dance practice room than in school. Kyungsoo smiles softly and says that he will come with him to his practice later that day.

"Eww," Baekhyun gags. "I won't use the bathrooms in the practice room ever again," he says and Jongin laughs loudly, receiving the looks of students who are trying to study or are researching something.

"Let's go somewhere else. Just for an hour. Then you can go back here ㅡ  back to studying and all the shit you nerds like to do."

They ended up in Jongin's room, Baekhyun telling Kyungsoo how his boyfriend isn't the cleanest person ever and shit. They were arguing all the time (playfully, of course) and also laughing and enjoying each other's presence.

Baekhyun was thankful.

"YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" the blonde petite boy screams when a chocolate yoghurt ends up on his milky white shirt. He furiously wipes it away with his sleeve, but it becomes even worse. He looks up at the creator of this mess and then takes his sleeve, rubbing the food on the taller's face.

Chanyeol immediately shoves his hand away, wiping the yoghurt away from his eyes, inhaling its sugary smell he hates that much.

"You small-ass-bitch, stop overreacting!" he screams and Baekhyun seems even more furious than before. He takes a deep breath before grabbing something and throwing it to the younger's face. It took him long enough to realise that the thing thrown at him is the horrible and disgusting porridge this cafeteria sells.

"This is war then." He frowns but before he could do anything else, the blonde boy runs from the cafeteria with his middle fingers up. Everyone is quite amused because ㅡ even though they know that Byun Baekhyun isn't as innocent as it seems (when it comes to his vocabulary) ㅡ they've never seen him act like this.

Chanyeol is surprised himself when he takes his bottle of water and streams behind the certain boy.

The piercing silence is cut off by Jongdae, who starts laughing his ass off. It doesn't take long and the whole cafeteria is laughing.

What Jongdae doesn't know is, that most of the people in the cafeteria are laughing at his funny laugh.

At the night while everyone (everyone as in Jongdae) is sleeping, Baekhyun turns on his lamp on the bedside table and takes the leather book out of one of the drawers. He laughs evilly to himself as he murmurs something like 'Let's test it out, hHEHhehE' before opening his diary on the very first page. He laughs even more as he writes down today's date.

"Shit, this is embarrassing," he says to himself as he continues in what he has never imagined he would do.

'Dear Diary' he giggles as he writes those two words, his cheeks turning into a pinkish colour. Baekhyun covers his mouth to prevent himself from squealing.

'I'm quite embarrassed that I'm writing this, but maybe in a few years I will find this diary and will laugh my ass off kekeke'

He nods to himself, ready to close the diary because he was sure that this is enough but something stopped him from doing so. He frowned and looked at the words he just penned. The blond boy slaps himself before sighing and continuing once again.

'Park Chanyeol' he scratches down absentmindedly. If anyone sees him, they would think that his eyeballs will jump out in any second. Yes, he was very shocked but the words found its own way from his mind to his hand and before he could stop himself, he writes his heart out, all of his insecurities and hatred towards the certain tall annoying boy.

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