Chapter 3

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"I heard that the new boy is hot as fuck."

Baekhyun glares at him and sits down next to Kyungsoo, realizing that Jongdae doesn't notice him yet. Baekhyun leans into his seat, crosses his arms as he's watching him with narrowed eyes. Jongin, who is sitting in the middle of Kyungsoo and Jongdae, is smirking evilly, once in a while turning to Baekhyun just to see his reaction.

"If Minseokkie wouldn't be by my side, I would immediately jump on him and — "

Baekhyun gapes and grabs his chopsticks, standing up from his seat just to be stopped by laughing Jongin. Minseok has the same reaction because he's frowning at his soon-to-be boyfriend while gripping his chopsticks harshly. We should be glad that those aren't wooden. Jongdae then giggled and grabbed his hand. Baekhyun groans, throwing his utensils at the table.

"So he's more handsome than Baek is, he's smarter than Baek is, he's much sexier — "

Baekhyun growls, pinching his arm if he's not dreaming by any chance. Then he grabs apple next to his plate, ready to throw it at him but before he could move any further, Minseok stops him by taking the apple and taking a bite of it. Baekhyun sinks into his seat before he glares at him.

"Shut up or else that apple is gonna be in  — "

"Shoved up my ass, I know, I know. Be quiet now because that hottie just walked in." Jongdae smirks and points with his chin towards the cafeteria entrance. The whole cafeteria suddenly falls silent, everyone breathings could be heard. Baekhyun unwillingly turns towards the direction Jongdae pointed to. The silence is cut off by a loud sigh and a loud bang, which is Baekhyun hitting the table with his head.

A few muffled laughs can be heard and Baekhyun groans even more. When he looks up, the said boy is sitting with the other boy, Kris, a few tables away and since everyone is admiring them from afar (honestly, they want to see the two rivals closest as possible, so no one is sitting at those tables in between them. Which Baekhyun personally hates.

Jongdae giggles and waves at the boys. The one named Kris notices him and waves back with an awfully amazing smile, making the smaller die inside. Minseok frowns again and when Jongdae tries to caress his back, the latter slaps his hand away.

Kris sees that and laughs.

Upon hearing his laughter, the one with big Yoda ears, Chanyeol, looks up too and smiles at them but when he notices Baekhyun with his head on the table, his sweet smile turns into an evil smirk. Then he stands up and heads towards them. Baekhyun immediately lifts his head, grabbing his tray with food, ready to evaporate as fast as possible but it was too late for that.

"Hi! I am Park Chanyeol and I'm new here!"

Baekhyun glares at him and the taller suddenly changes his appearance. Instead of that boy with that stupid smirk on his face, he looks at him with scared and confused eyes. Jongdae lets out a quiet 'aww, cutie' and everyone agrees with him. But Baekhyun sees through his actions, he knows what are his intentions. So when the taller is ready to speak again, Baekhyun cuts him off.

"I don't care who you are, I don't care why are you here, I don't care what the fuck you want from me, so turn around and disappear, thanks."

With that, Baekhyun leaves the cafeteria with deadly aura behind him.

Everyone's eyes widen and then the only thing that could be heard is Jongdae's laugh.

"He really is something," Jongdae whispers when they're sitting next to each other in a History class, waiting for their teacher to arrive. Baekhyun ignores him but that isn't anything new since he always ignores everything around him a few minutes before a lesson starts. Besides, History is his favourite subject along with Maths so he pays more attention to being prepared before those two classes.

"This is you," The camel boy grabs a piece of paper and draws a stick figure on it. Baekhyun raises a brow. Before he could ask what the fuck is he doing, Jongdae sketches another stick figure, much taller than the previous one (than Baekhyun) and something rectangular in between the two horrible drawings. "This is Chanyeol and this is your 'The sexiest nerd ever' title."

Baekhyun looks at him with disgust in his eyes, trying to snatch the paper away and tear it apart but Jongdae grabs the paper and shoves it in front of Baekhyun's face. "The title slowly sings 'So baby, bye bye bye' and runs towards Chanyeol with its middle finger up — "

Baekhyun grabs the paper and crumbles it up, throwing it somewhere in the room as he turns back to his best friend, not noticing his History teacher being hit by the paper. Everyone in the classroom gasps and when the small boy turns towards the blackboard and sees the teacher in front of it with a mad expression on his face along and Chanyeol standing next to him, mocking smirk on his lips, Baekhyun almost cries. He immediately stands up, bowing his apologies.

"Mr Byun, I won't look and I don't care what is written or drawn on this, just for your sake, but don't let it happen again. You, the top student, the pride of our school, surely don't want to end up in detention." Chanyeol's smirk deepens even more. Baekhyun clenches his fist and bows once again, muttering a 'Yes'.

"So class, this is our new student and I'm sure you know him because even the teachers talk about him and only him, " Baekhyun rolls his eyes but decides to continue in listening to his teacher introducing his potential enemy. He doesn't like this boy any bit.

"You can sit anywhere you want." He points towards the empty seats in this class. One is right in front of the teacher's desk, another is two desks in front of Jongdae (they both are seated at the very back) and the last one is at the desk next to theirs. Chanyeol smirks but before he could make his way towards that particular seat, Baekhyun grabs his backpack and throws it at the empty seat without thinking much.

"Mr Byun, what do you think you are doing?" Mr Kang frowns and points at the backpack that just fell on the ground. Baekhyun realises what he did and opens his mouth to excuse himself but Jongdae cuts him.

"I apologise for him, sir, his turtle died yesterday so he's quite sad and is unaware of what's happening around him."

Baekhyun reddens in anger and clenches his fists again, glaring at his best friend wordlessly. Jongdae then grabs the backpack from the ground and gives it back to Baekhyun while saying that it's okay if he sits there.

For the rest of the day, Baekhyun doesn't talk to anyone and actually ignores everything around him.

"Don't be mad," Jongdae pokes his cheeks later that day when he sneaks into his room. Baekhyun ignores him and turns at the other side, making Jongdae groan. "He's not a bad guy when you disappeared after classes, he sat with us during lunch. He's funny and kinda cute — "

The latter suddenly turns and glares at him with such a venomous spark in his eyes. "You're not helping at all."

Jongdae gasps and grabs his hand. "You're not ignoring me anymore! This is the first time this happened! That Chanyeol guy actually moved something inside you — "

"You're unbelievable." The latter whispers and stands up from his bed, putting on his oversized blue hoodie and taking his phone from his bedside table. His best friend watches his every move, wondering where is he going. So when Baekhyun slowly steps out of their dorm, Jongdae is quietly following him. He tiptoes behind him the most careful way he has ever walked.

He almost lets out a loud gasp when he sees his best friend stop in front of a particular door. Chanyeol's room.

Baekhyun, on the other side, is unaware of the fact, that this room belongs to a boy he knows not even for 24 hours — the boy he starts to hate so much just because everyone is so amazed by him and talks just about him. Baekhyun can imagine this month's school newspaper title-page.' A new, hot boy came to rescue all of us because Byun Baekhyun became more useless than ever'.

So when the door opens and a certain giant is standing there, looking as shocked as the smaller does, Baekhyun almost lets out a surprised yelp. Chanyeol stares at him, sudden smirk displayed on his face. Baekhyun frowns and runs away, not noticing that devilish smirk turning into an amused smile.

But Jongdae is the one who notices that as he slowly turns away, trying to suppress his giggles.

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