The begininng of the end.

Start from the beginning

I took a position to start the magic healing spell when I herd distant shouting. It was coming closer and I gave a loud growl to the others. The shouting got louder and i gave one in return. The magic started to swirl around me and Hicca and it hurt like hell. Mostly on my head but it's worth it. This spell isn't as powerful as the one for my tail but it's close.

(Turn on unsung war piano, it fits to me at least)

"Before we fight in a blaze of glory, I'd like to know the names of you. You know, before we kick there asses." I got a few chuckles and laughed but they quickly got quiet as the Vikings came through the tree line.




"Dave, John, or Deacon for both"

"James" The nightmare said while looking at me with a gentle smile, I smiled back and went back to what I was doing. I could hear them getting closer and closer but I could here them fighting the drago.. no, my friends. My friends will hold them back as long as I need and I hope that long enough.

"исцелить плоть, разорвать узы"

I could feel Hicca wound start to heal as the battle continued. The flesh mending together like string and wire. The flesh was literally burning together like metal. I felt horrible that I have to do this to her but it's needed if she's not gonna die. I need to do this to help her, and I don't intend to let her down. Not yet, not ever. I love you Hicca.

"Исцели то, что было сломано, исправь то, что было повреждено"

The magic started to fizzle out as the spell was almost completed. My body started to go darker as well. I could feel the spell almost done, come on it's almost over, just a little more.

"Спаси их, как они моя любовь, моя дорогая, мой свет, моя темнота, мой друг"

And done.

The magic fizzled out completely as I let out a heavy sigh. That was difficult but it was so worth it. I opened my eyes and looked at Hicca, her breathing was normal and her heartbeat was better. I laughed a little at how crazy this whole situation was. But it's not over yet.

"AHHHHHHHHH, DIE YOU MONS.." a Viking came rushing at me, I tackled him and threw him away into the lake. I looked back at Hicca to make sure she was ok. She was.

I looked around the battlefield to see how the others were doing. They were doing actually really well, because the Vikings couldn't bring there artillery they couldn't take them down, sure they could try Bolas but they have to actually hit. They were actually a really good team. Deacon would have gas come out on a group of villagers and Kate would light it. Linda would role and hit another group. James would just confuse all of them with short attacks and melee.

All the Vikings were distracted so I saw this as the best time to get out of here. I let out a roar so loud everyone stopped fighting and turned to me. The Vikings put up there shields in a blocking technique.

"LETS GET OUT OF HERE, NOW. James grab Hicca, everyone else, Follow me. NOW" everyone shot up into the sky while I covered them with Plasma blasts. James quickly flew over and grabbed Hicca. He started flying up high while I also covered him. After he was out of the Cove and I was out of shots I to quickly flew out of there and up to the Group. They all smiled at me as I joined them in the sky.

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