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Luke offered to drop me back to campus while mom had to stay back to entertain some neighbours, which I gradually accepted, not wanting to have to put up with waiting for the bus. That would've taken me ages to get back.

"You should definitely come around more pumpkin. We miss you around the house you know?" Luke admits when we stopped at a red light.

"I won't lie, I do miss you guys too. It just feels different you know? Not having you guys yell behind me for not taking my medication on time...." I start to say but stopped when I noticed something odd in my sentence.

Luke also notices and look at me quizzically. "Are you okay?"

I shake my head no. "I just realised that I really haven't been taking my meds on time, or never, some days. Must have a bad memory," I laugh to cover the situation up.

Luke on the other hand, didn't find it funny. "Mars this isn't something to joke about. You do know that if you're inconsistent, there can be problems right?"

"I know, I just... I've just been enjoying life so much lately, that I haven't been stressing out on my cancer that much."

He looks at me for a moment, but had to break away his gaze to keep his eyes on the road again since the light changed to green. "Just, promise me when you get back, that you'll take your medication. And that you'll remember to jump back on your regular schedule again."

I slowly nod. "I'll only promise if you promise me to not make mention of this to mom."

He purses his lips, but knew that he had to settle our agreement. "Deal."

I nod and lay back in my seat. Suddenly, my phone buzzes in my hand, indicating that I got a text. I lit my screen and it revealed that it was a text from Lucien.

I missed you today gorgeous. Heard you've been gone for the day. Meet me at the courtyard when you get back. I'll be waiting for you there. Wear something pretty :)

Lucien xoxo

I mentally squeal and smile like an idiot. He just has that effect on me. I re-read the text and noticed that the text seemed unusual. Usually Lucien calls me "princess" and insists on that being his nickname for me. However, in the text it wrote "gorgeous", which was a first.

I didn't put too much thought into it and just brushed it off.

Luke quickly notices and also smile. "What's the smile for?"

"Lucien texted, said he wants to meet up when I get back."

"You really like this guy don't you?" he asks me.

"Yes, yes I do. He's out of this world really. Sometimes I feel like our relationship is too good to be true."

"Every time you talk about him, your eyes have this...spark, the same feeling I have for your mother. Have hope and everything will be alright."

"Thank you Luke. You're the best dad I never had. I love you," I say warmly and I could've told it warmed his heart just by the way he blushed.

"I love you too pumpkin. I advise you to take a nap, seeing as the car ride may be a little long, despite the shortcuts," he instructs. I did just that.

The only thing I remembered was our last conversation before falling asleep, only waking up when Luke shook me awake to inform me that we were back on campus. Although this time, it was pretty dark out, stars scattered across the night sky.

Man, Luke really knows his shortcuts.

He helps me out the car and walks me to my dorm, giving me the opportunity to lean into him while we walked, still half-asleep.

"Mars, I don't think you should go see Lucien again. You're obviously tired and you need to take your medication," Luke says worriedly.

"No, I'm okay. You know how car rides make me. One step out into a cold bath and I'll be awake. He probably went through so much to set up our date, I can't cancel," I say, worried how Lucien may feel if I called off our date for tonight.

Luke sighs, shaking his head. "Fine, but just be careful and please take your medication. I'll call tomorrow to make sure everything's alright," he implies.

He was grateful to have been greeted by Syl's presence as we got to the door. She also worried and insisted that I cancelled.

"Guys I'm fine, a quick shower and some nebulizer will do the trick." I was completely awake in that moment. Luke kisses me on the forehead goodnight and warned me one more time to take my medication.

As soon as he left, I headed straight for the bathroom and quickly changed into something cozy since it's a bit chilly out.

"Just, have a great time and if you need anything and I do mean anything.... give me a call. Please call okay?" Syl ponders and comes over to help fix my hair.

I eye her through the closet mirror intently. "You'll be the first I call, promise."

"Great, I feel relieved to know that." Settling on a neatly slicked back high ponytail, I picked up my purse, packing it with a few bills, my nebulizer, lip-gloss and some mint. I bid Syl goodbye with a long hug and drag the oxygen tank behind me with glee.

It was a walking distance and I wasn't sure if he was already there or not since he didn't tell me a specific time, so I casually strolled down the walkway to the courtyard. Seeing a small patch of Fuchsia, which I knew was his favourite flower, I pick three from the bunch and smile knowing that he will love them.

As I go to bend the corner, I heard voices indicating that the courtyard was already occupied.

I stopped in my tracks. I hadn't reached that close up yet but I could've easily made out who the voices belonged to.

Not wanting them to see me spying, I slowly back away so they couldn't hear the clicking of my boots and hid behind a tree. I couldn't make out much of the conversation since they talked in low voices, but my ears stood upright just in time to witness a heart wrenching scene.

"Why do you keep following me around? Hadn't I made it clear that I want you to stay far away from us as possible?"

"You keep trying to deny it, but you and I both know who's the better out of the two of us. You know she can't give you what you really want, Lucy."

"Oh yeah? And you think you can?"

"Oh, I know I can. Let me show you and see if it'll change your mind."

But what broke my heart even more was seeing Lina's arms latch around Lucien's neck, drawing him into her as they lock lips and undergo an intense kissing session.

"Lucien?" I croak out, coming from behind my hiding spot. The flowers slipped from between my fingers and plummeted to the ground, the petals scattering all over.

He pushes her away and his eyes go wide. I didn't even wait for him to get up and run after me.

I briskly turned my back to them and bolted to entryway of the college, fighting the angry tears.

I just needed to get away.


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