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"So this will be our last class discussion on Wuthering Heights. For your next assignment I want each and every one of you to write a summary of the great novel, which will be marked as your first course work." As the professor continues on with her lecture, I zone out for the rest of the class and focused on the tattooed boy that calmly sat on the opposing side of me, staring intensively at the outside, not even paying attention himself.

I didn't know where these new feelings, this new attention on something rather than my purpose here, was coming from, very much mislead by all means necessary.

My mind reels with the thought of his lips against mines, too paralysed to react the way I desperately wanted to. To inch closer to his soul and make him let himself go to me. I wanted to be friends with Lucien, at least Syl is, even though they were a thing. I wanted to have a decent friendship with Lucien King, to be there for him when he needs someone, to abide my his side, the same way I needed someone myself.

The first bell rings, pulling me out of my string of thoughts. I smile at the few students waving at me and I head to my other class with a challenge on my mind. Taking my normal seat, students started filling the seats, with no sign of the chocolate haired boy yet.

I really wanted to start the project we have together, more than ever now. I'm elated to share something with him, because I'm hoping that we can use this time to bond. Additionally, these past few days we never really got the chance to discuss school work further.

"Alright everyone, partner up," Dr. Hill declares and I sigh as I was left partner less for a few seconds until I felt a presence beside me.

"Let's get on with this shit shall we?" he mumbles and organises his utensils needed. I sat silently, waiting for him to connect his eyes with mines. When he realises I didn't move or speak, he finally does with a confused face. I shake my head and smile widely.

"Why are you so happy?" he speaks up.

"No reason."

He chuckles and pulls out a clean sheet of paper. During the rest of the 2 hours we had for class, I was in and out of reality, it being really complicated to not stare at his perfectly sculpted features and not wonder who was the amazing woman that birthed an individual as beautiful yet dangerous as him.

"Amara," he snaps his fingers infront of my face and I twitch forward.

I coughed. "Huh?"

"I said that we should meet at my dorm later to discuss the assignment more," he says slowly making sure I comprehended.

I nod. "Yeah yeah sure. Room number?"

He scribbles something on a piece of paper and pushes it to my table.

"Thanks." He half smiles and pulls out his phone to do whatever he does. I easily ignore him for the rest of my time as he doesn't even try to talk to me.

I did a fast sketch of his face structure before the class ended. I briskly hurry to my room and took a small nap, not before setting a decent time on the alarm clock to wake me up in time to shuffle over to Lucien's room.

Not even 10 minutes into the nap, a knock on the door interrupts my peace. I huffed and strode over to the door, opening it to reveal Lucien, hands in his pocket.

"Is it already time to meet you?" I whine.

"No actually. You were on my mind so I told myself that I'd come get you," he says simply and I felt my heart skip a beat.

"Well let me just organise my stuff and we'll head over there," I turn away to walk over to the now, newly computer table (all the dorms got new desks which I'm happy about because Syl and I's were basically shedding old granny sugar) when he grabs my upper hand to stop me.

"Just grab your art journal and drawing utensils and put on some shoes. We're going for a drive," he adds, glancing down to my naked unpolished toes. I did as I was told and as per usual, left Syl a note, informing her about my whereabouts.

He leads me out to his classic convertible and surprisingly acts as a gentleman by opening the car door and making sure I was comfortable before getting in himself and pulled out the campus. We were a little way out of town which left me to wonder where we were headed.

As he flicked through his radio station, I decided to break the deafening silence. "Where are you taking me Lucien?"

He doesn't answer right away as he was still looking for the right station. He glances at me for a moment and fixates his eyes back on the road. "Somewhere," he answers as-a-matter-of-factly.

"I hope you're not a serial killer," I joke and the corners of his mouth twitched upwards.

"I promise you I'm not. Anything is possible though," he answers.

"Why did you kiss me the other night?" I blurt out, causing him to frown.

"That was a mistake."


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