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Someone who loves us is focused upon us, and their touch is a tangible representation of their emotional state.You feel linked to and aware of your partner's presence in the moment. This type of contact, as opposed to one that is cold or impersonal, conveys warmth and loving intent. To have an emotional impact and evoke strong or sensitive emotions.

That's how my skin felt under Lucien's gigantic hands. My peach-coloured skirt didn't shield my naked skin from the intense heat that was generated by a single touch.After what seemed like an hour of driving, we still hadn't decided where to stop. I was happy to be free for once and to enjoy the windy night. I didn't complain. Spending time with Lucien was my favourite thing to do. For once, his mere presence brought comfort, and that was all that mattered.

Him, me and the road. In a perfect world, that was all we needed.

Nothing crossed our minds at the moment and no words were exchanged during the period of our alone time together. But no words were meant to be exchanged.

Rather, his gaze would frequently lock with mine, or he would steal a quick glance in my direction. He would plant a long, lustful kiss on the back of my hands while professing over and over again how much he valued me and that his affections would never waver. I accepted his statement without inquiry since I knew that I had the same feelings.A glimmer of restraint and tranquilly glistened in his pupils, and I felt hopeful. He caught me staring at that moment, but I didn't look away in embarrassment.

"You're really beautiful.... you know that right?" he uttered in a small voice. He was so emotional tonight. I honestly loved this side of him more. When he's vulnerable, soft, loving, touchy. We craved each other.

"I dare not ask where this sudden outburst came from because I definitely won't hear the end of it. But why? Why do you feel the need to compliment me so?" I groaned and moved his hand away from my lower thigh. 

"You are inherently flawed and will remain perpetually imperfect. And you are beautiful. I like to gaze upon beautiful people, and I made the decision a while back to enjoy life's most basic pleasures. You have my heart's truest compliments."

I let his words wash over me. My heart was thumping, and my mind was spinning. I couldn't think or breath properly. 

At a red light, he shifted his gaze toward me and held a solemn glare.

"What, you know I'm not lying princess."

"I know," I muttered and looked away from his hot stare. I bit my lip to contain myself from showing him he affects me. "I get aggravated whenever you compliment me so much, like there's nothing here for you to compliment." I shrugged.

"Well, I'll continue to do it then, just to aggravate you more. Eres encantadora, sensacional, impresionante, increíble ...."

(You are charming, sensational, stunning, amazing in Spanish)

He laughed when I sent him a glare. Just then, my phone started vibrating on the dashboard and I reached out to grab it. The caller ID read

⚘️Roomie ♡⚘️

I answered on the 3rd ring.


"Amara Jordyn Belle where the hell are you?!" Sylvia's voice screeched in my ear.

"Holy mackerel, Syl are you trying to deafen me?" I moved the phone to the ear that she hasn't yet defiled.

"Our DA's been looking for you. It's a good thing I knew what to say. Why didn't you tell me you were going away?" she chastised.

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