Two- I saw a future

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Rain, lighting. Thunder, more rain. Being stuck in the storm— unaware of my whereabouts was not on my bucket list. The drops of rain were driving downwards crazy hard, the droplets of water felt like shards of glass to the skin and soaked me to the bone. My blonde waves hung soggy over my face, strands of hair whipping me on the cheek when I frantically searched the area around me.

It was a blue flash of light that scared me first, but the leafy branch that hurled down at me was equally as scary. I collapsed under the weight of the roughly barked wood, the heavy limbs of the branch pinning me down in the mud. With a pained scream muffled by taps of the rain, I pushed the object off of me and hobbled towards a fiery light, just hidden behind a set of trees. The ground seemed to sway underneath me, my mind felt fuzzy and a haze coated over my blue eyes. The closer I stepped to the orange and red light, the warmer it got.


I cranked my neck to left and observed the freckled boy. Bellamy.

As I sulked over to him, I stumbled on my feet. I felt his strong arms wrap around my delicate frame, pulling me back to the fire. "I don't feel so good," I muttered.

Black dots speckled across the haze in my eye, a second before the haze was black.

"Ouch," I yelped. My hand flew up to my head, fingers grazing the top of a gauze. "What the-"

"What the is right, Princess." Bellamy held out a ration of berries. "Why were you out in that storm anyways?"

I scoffed. "Because I live out here."

"No, you don't! You live with us," Bellamy yelled, his stern voice echoing off the ragged edges of the cave. "You live with me," he cried.

I shook my head. "No. You're the only one that can't see what I am," I spoke softly. "A monster, a murder. Wanheda."

A train of tears rolled down his cheeks and dripped of his jawbone. "You're none of that, Clarke! God," He sniffled. "I saw us in the future, sharing a nice cabin in Arkadia," Bellamy started. "I saw me taking you on our last date as boyfriend and girlfriend by the creek, the vision of us splashing each other with water when we decided to hop in. I wanted to propose to you with the most beautiful gem."

My breath hitched in my throat. "Bellamy-"

But he continued anyway, his voice begging for a understanding. "We'd get married after it had snowed, so you could talk about all the awesome things you had done in life, like you wanted," Bellamy's voice was now gently spoken, as he stared at the ground. "After that would come three blonde children, three gorgeous babies that would take after you."

A tear slipped out of my eye, sliding down my cheek. After the first came and unbroken stream of tears, salty water landing on my lips. "My god," I cried, "I'm so sorry Bellamy. I hurt you."

"It's okay." Bellamy said.

I bit down on my lip. "It's not okay! I was selfish enough to do what was best for me—"

My speech was cut short by a pair of soft lips on mine. I kissed back, a warm feeling slithering through my body. Bellamy broke away from the kiss, dropping down on one knee. "Now that I've found you," Bellamy smiled, lips curving into a sheepish smile. "Clarke Griffin, will you marry me?"

Tears continued to trail down my dirty cheeks and I buried my face into my hands. "Yes."

If only this could've happened.
Thanks for reading lovelies!

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                                                                         See y'all next chapter <3

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