6- I never told you

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Numb, it was a pain all to familiar. A constant weight on his shoulders, a strong pain in his heart. Clarke Griffin was his rock, his partner, his family. And he never got to tell her he loved her.

Every night, the blonde headed beauty emerged from a shadow, telling him it would be alright, to let go. He was all too stubborn for that. Tears would roll down his cheek, it took a while for them to stop. Though internally, he knew there was no possible chance that the pain would subside, or he'd fully grieve Clarke.

The dark headed man pumped up and down on his Clarke's chest, praying for her heart to start beating, or even a small breath. After multiple attempts of reviving the lifeless girl, he banged on her chest. Every emotion he ever held was flying out, screaming. Oh how he wished he would have held her tighter, acknowledged her soft smiles or even, tell her about how much he was in love. With her. It all hurt. Clarke was there when he needed support, or to tell him how utterly stupid his leadership decisions were. She was there when her people needed her. She saved our damned lives how many times?

Bellamy searched for the right words that showed her bravery, her stubbornness. "You're a fighter, now get up and fight!"

He lowered his ear to her plump lips one last time, and what he heard— he would never forget. A small breath escaped her lips, he'd never take it for granted again.


He was lost in her eyes. Her beautiful eyes, were filled with life, hope, happiness. She pulled the boy forward and their lips met, leaving a smiley Octavia behind.

"I- I love you." Bellamy whispered against her forehead. "I never got to tell you."

Clarke weakly smiled. "You just did."

He smiled and was about to close a door for her to sleep, when she interrupted. "Just so you know, I've loved you for ages, Bellamy Blake."

She tugged on his wrist, pulling him down on the bed with her.

Tonight, marks the day he felt the most blessed.


Ack, short, I know!

Part 2 for the last chapter will be up next.

Keep reading, lovelies!

-Blaire xx

Bellarke Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें