One- Our baby girl

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(Clarke's POV)

I held the child close to my chest, her soft cries dispersing after the comfort of her mothers arms around her body. The girl had many vibrant freckles that sprinkled across the bridge of her nose, big blue eyes that were filled with excitement and curiosity, and a dark head of curls like her father.

"It's okay, Raylynn, I promise." Clarke sang.

"She knows Clarke," a deep voice chirped in. "Because she has a kickass dad."

Clarke chuckled, gently setting their child down in a crib. "She's just like you, you know," Clarke stated, making her way over to Bellamy's frame. She watched when the corners of his lips tugged into a smile, the way he grinned every time she mentioned his mini-me. He slowly made his way to Clarke, touching his lips to hers. She ran her finger through his inky curls, gently pulling at the roots of the thick hair.

"You can't keep my niece away from me!"

Clarke and Bellamy instantly broke apart, Clarke quickly feeling an intense heat creep up her neck and cheeks.

Octavia snorted when she came around the corner. "You two have a child together, are engaged— and still get embarssed when caught in the act?" She pulled her chocolate locks into a low ponytail. "May I remind you of the time—"

"You may not," I interjected.

I handed Raylynn to Octavia, who quickly snatched her. Octavia bounced the 8-month-old on her swollen belly, moving Raylynn all over the place.

"How's the baby?" Bellamy asked.

Octavia let out a deep breath. "Good. I just want her out."

My lips curled into a smile as I softly laughed, her words mirroring mine when I was pregnant. "It will be so worth the wait Tavia," I found myself in the deep memory of when Bellamy and I held our little princess in our arms for the first time. "You'll forget about the wait when you see her for the first time."

The memory dawned on me again, all the feelings rushing in faster than I could control.

"Push, Clarke, Push!" Bellamy cheered as he tightly gripped my hand and pushed my sweaty golden locks behind my ear.

Sweat beaded up on my forehead, the drops rolling down the side of my head. Pain shot up from my lower stomach and worked its way up to my middle. The pain was a lot to bear.

And then cries filled the room, the angelic voice of our child. "It's a girl," My mother announced, setting the petite girl on my chest.

From aside me, Bellamy broke into sobs, stroking the top of our baby girl's head. It was a pure moment, when we saw our beautiful daughter for the first time.

"What should we name her?"

Bellamy released a quick breath, his lips slowly curling into a gentle smile. "Raylynn." I kitted my eyebrows together, in confusion of the name. "It means peacekeeper. She gave us peace."

It was as simple as that, the name fit the child perfectly. Bellamy hugged us close, pressing his forehead against mine. "I'll never let anything happen to my princesses."


It's short, sorry. Although, the ending made up for it?

Tell me your thoughts {HERE}

See y'all next chapter <3

See y'all next chapter <3

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