Nine- I never got to tell you that I love you

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|A season seven AU in which Bellamy travels to the anomaly for Octavia, but ends up hallucinating about Clarke. (His deepest fear & desire)|

Bellamys' POV:

I trudged on through the dead leaves that littered the forest floor, I walked closer to the green light that burnt my eyes. For Octavia. There was one thing, that was holding me back, it was the desire to keep my people safe. And so I had to stop.

"Step into it, Bellamy. You know she'd want you to."

I craned my neck to the side, it sounded like, "Clarke?"

Clarke was covered in blisters, the ones filled with puss. They started from her ankle and stretched to her forehead, even some were placed on her scalp, burrowed in the sandy strands of her hair. This sight of Clarke made his heart wrench, it knotted up so tight, it burst. She looked in pain, it was plastered all over her face.

"If you could go back to The Death Wave, right before you took off, would you've waited for me?" Though she was extremely burnt, it didn't stop him from noticing the salty water that burnt the fire in her eyes. "Or, was I joke? Used to save your ass."

"Clarke, you know I would've waited an eternity for you."

Her burnt skin slowly flattered away, and she was back to her regular attire. "Bellamy, tell me what happens the next time you can't save me?" She lowered herself to the ground, and in a quick flash, a metal object was placed on her temple. "Because the next time, Bell, you'll be trying to save me from myself."

His heart dropped into his stomach. "Clarke, stop it."

Usually, he could meet in the middle with her, or just straight up agree. This time, she just shot. The blonde fell in the leaves, a soft thud echoed through the silence of the forest. Crimson spilled from the wound in her head, it sickened Bellamy.

"Oh god," Bellamy began to cry, and it was quite effortless. He had an instant reaction, he felt for her that much. "Clarke," he cradled the girl. "Please, Clarke."

He loved her. He felt like a piece of his soul was ripped from his body, he knew he'd soon fall victim to his own monster after this. But none of it mattered, because without Clarke, he wasn't scared to loose himself.

But he got tugged back. Through the blurry haze that coated the top of his brown eyes, he could only notice the trees moving behind him.

Finally, the trees stilled, the pulling stopped.

"Bellamy Blake, why in the hell were you out there alone?"

The sweet melody of her voice, was coming out as a threat. Scary.

"Clarke?" He cried. "Stay alive, I'll protect you, I promise."

Clarke took a step back. "Did Gabriel give you something, Bell?"

His vision finally cleared, and he could tell what he was witnessing now, was entirely real. "No," he swallowed. "The anomaly— it, it killed you. And I never got to tell you I loved you."

Mwaha- cliff hanger. The next chapter shall be fun to write. >:)

-B L A I R E

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