Chapter 32: Bunnies & Puppies

Start from the beginning

JK nodded enthusiastically. "Oh yeah he's backstage with RM. We got here just 10 minutes ago and so they are trying to get things set up. RM could of used the equipment here but he's kind of attached to his own equipment. It goes with him everywhere when he's traveling promoting his playlist."

I was lost now...who is RM, and what mixtape. Wait...RM....Mono.... the mix tape I downloaded and listen to every night. No way, are you fucking SERIOUS?!

I lunged for JK, startling him. "Is RM Namjoon, and is Namjoon the one who made the mixtape Mono?

JK nodded enthusiastically again, his mouth moving into a wide smile that made his crescent eyes become like slits. I swear his cute bunny smile would never get old. "Yep that's him! He doesn't like it called a mixtape though, it's a playlist. My hyung worked hard for years to get that playlist produced and distributed. You should of seen the day it dropped. We filmed him, and it was like the birth of a baby!"

(A/N: Anyone remember the clip of Joon watching the countdown as the playlist became available online? He was so proud of himself, and I teared up watching him. It was just the sweetest, and I was just as proud of him for his accomplishments!)

Hailey now effectively gave up trying to get the attention of other guys for drinks, and was now clinging to JK, her arms around his waist and her head on his shoulder as she stared up at him intently. He didn't seem to mind as he allowed it, his arm around her back. I saw that he wasn't touching her with his bare hand though. He had turned in the sleeve of the onesie, his hand covered as it rested about an inch away from her body. I wondered if that was a cultural thing, like the bowing. I'd have to remember to ask Yoongi about that later.

Just then I saw Cheri head over with a pink haired guy, and as they got closer I saw that the pink haired guy looked exactly like the guy Jimin from the picture Yoongi sent me. He was also wearing an animal onesie.

"OMG you guys look, I met this super cute Asian guy and he doesn't speak a WORD of English," Cheri gushed, her arms wrapped around Jimin, who just stood there with his eyebrows raised in amusement. JK started to giggle, his bunny ears flapping as he bopped in amusement as well. Hailey turned to see what the commotion is, and spotted Jimin.

"Y/N! Look at this one! This one has the most beautiful pink hair and he's so slender and graceful omggggggggg," Hailey cooed, letting go of JK only to grasp Jimin and yank him to her, taking her hand and rubbing it roughly through his hair.

I was mortified as Jimin just stood there, not touching either women and not stopping them either. He looked to be enjoying every bit of attention, a huge grin spreading on his face. He said something to JK in Korean, and JK replied to him, nodding in my direction. Jimin said "Ooooooo", bowing to me.

A tall guy with blonde hair that looked like the guy Cheri was making out with that one day at school walked over to us, yelling Cheri's name. Cheri saw him and squealed, taking off. "See you guys later, my favorite fuckbuddy is here!"

Jimin smirked at this, looking over at Hailey as she was intently rubbing the chest of Jimin's costume:

               "It's so softtttt, Y/N, come feel it," Hailey said, dragging me over and grabbing my hand, making me feel his chest

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"It's so softtttt, Y/N, come feel it," Hailey said, dragging me over and grabbing my hand, making me feel his chest. He had a brown onesie on, but the hood was off and I couldn't tell what it was yet.

I jerked my hand back, slapping Haileys hand away and asking JK to go get her a bottled water which he quickly did. I looked at Jimin who was looking at Hailey, amused at her antics. His eyes traveled down to her chest, just as JK did earlier. I rolled my eyes again, instead deciding to talk to him.

"So you don't know English either huh. Well you sure do know how to to stare at a girls tits, don't ya," I said, crossing my arms. His eyes whipped up to mine, as he got a horrified look on his face.

"I'm so sorry. I tried not to I swear," he said, in perfect English.

"Aha, you little shit," I said, pumping my fist in the air. His eyes crinkled into little moons as he laughed, catching on to the fact that I was teasing him.

"I see what Yoongi was talking about. You are sassy, Y/N. You are a good match for him. I love your costume, by the way, he is going to freak out when he sees you match his," Jimin said.

"Well thank you, Jimin. What is your costume," I asked.

"Oh!," he said, drawing up the hood. It was a dog. "We didn't pack any costumes, so we found a store on the way here and went in and bought these. I like puppies so I thought I would get one."

"Well you look very cute in it. Yoongi has a brown puppy, that looks much like the one you are wearing in fact," I said. Before Jimin could answer JK was back, with bottled waters for all of us.

"Sorry it took so long, I was having fun with the guy at the drink table over there. I kept acting like I couldn't understand anything he said and was asking if the vodka was water. He finally shoved these in my hands, begging me to just go away. So, you get free waters," JK said, giggling as he passed them out.

"I was just commenting on Jimin's costume, I thought it was cute," I said. I opened the water for Hailey and she tried to slap it out of my hand, refusing it. I grabbed her by the arm and made her drink it.

"Oh yeah didn't you pick it out because it reminded you of Minnie," JK asked.

"Oh you mean Yoongi's dog, Minnie," I asked.

"Yoongie named her after me," Jimin said. "My nickname is Minnie."

"Aww are you serious?! I had no idea!," I gushed.

"Yep, when he got her as a puppy, she was like 5 months old, I wanted her so bad but I couldn't have a dog at home. I was over his house every day, playing with her. When he told me they had to move I was heartbroken losing a friend but also that dog. I can't remember what he called her before, but he told me that he was changing her name to Minnie, so a part of me would always be with her and he wouldn't miss me too much," Jimin said, his eyes misting up a little bit.

(A/N: Some people have commented that I didn't make Yoongi's dog like his real dog, but I did that on purpose. I have a soft spot for Yoonmin, and wanted to make a sweet connection between the two. This is it :))

"Aww that is so fucking sweet," Hailey said. Hailey must be sobering up. "The puppy is talking about a puppy, Y/N. I think I'm tripping on acid," she said, her eyes wide.

Nope....still drunk. I looked at the clock on the wall and it was 8:45. I thought we were starting at 8:30. "Are we starting late or something," I asked to nobody in particular.

"Yep we have to because Namjoon and Yoongi were late. We should begin at 9:00," JK said.

"So do you have a girlfriend, puppy," Hailey said, her fingers once again dancing on Jimin's chest. Jimin looked down at her fingers then back up at her.

"Uhh, no I don't have a girlfriend," he said.

"So tell me what kind of girls you like huh? I'm 17, you look 17, I think we'd be a good match don't you think," Hailey said, he fingers dancing up his chest.

Jimin looked uncomfortable now, and JK just stood there with his eyebrows raised in amusement. "Actually I am 17, and I don't date girls my age. I prefer older women actually, they have more experience and know how to handle themselves."

I laughed at this, which made Hailey draw back. "Hey! I have experience! Not a lot but I have some!"


(A/N: So in this story JK is 16 and Jimin is 17. Will RM be older?)

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