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Through the mating call of the nightswift a voice interrupts the courtship. "We have the half-breed. We found him just outside the border," a warrior announced.

"Bring him in," Hoger commanded eagerly.

Barne stumbled in. His supplies had been confiscated and his fine human clothes torn. Barne could easily tell who had been at his execution by all the averted eyes as he entered the royal chamber.

"So, you've returned from the dead," Hoger said, with a chuckle. "Where's Valara?"

"She is gone."

"Search the forest. He's lying."

"No, I mean she's dead," Barne said, feeling a lump in his throat.

"Now you can join her."

"Hold on. I have a message for you from Lord Neff."

A synchronous gasp filled the chamber.

"I've heard his message before."

Warrior-folk gripped their weapons tightly, fearing this to be the beginning of the end.

"No, he swore it to me. He wants peace."

"His only desire is to destroy the whole forest, not just a piece."

"No, I mean, he no longer wants war."

"And if we refuse?" Hoger asked, resting his head against his hand.

"He said that you can either abandon the forest or work for him."

"You mean slaves?"

"No...for wages."

"Why would he send you, a despicable half-breed, with such an important message?"

"Because...I am...his son."

"What?!" Hoger erupted from his throne. Luckily for Barne, he had nothing to throw at that particular moment.

Lancer approached Hoger and whispered into his ear, confirming the assertion. Hoger growled loudly at her.

"You hid that from me? Your chieftain? Take her away—far, far, away."

Guards approached Lancer. She fought back with her twin swords, using surprise to her advantage. Four guards fell to the ground before some even readied their weapons. Outmatched and surrounded, she finally relinquished her weapons. She never gave up without taking a souvenir.

"Congratulations, you just weakened your people," Hoger said, through gritted teeth.

After Lancer had been escorted out, Hoger returned to his throne. "Kill the half-breed."

He picked up his "gem" and said a vulgar prayer to it just under his breath.

Barne had a guard on each side of him as they dragged him backwards, sliding him on his heels. "Neff, he has one of those in his war room."

Hoger's adviser put up a halting hand, stopping the guard mid-stride

Hoger gripped the false gem so tight that the crack splintered throughout it and sand ran down his arm.

"I've seen it. It shows him the forest from the trees' eye."

"No, you're wrong. He doesn't have one of these. He has the one. The Pit of the Forest," Hoger said, tossing his cracked imitation to the ground, shattering it. "How could I have not seen that?"

"I saw him use it...as a weapon."

"The reaping cloud," the adviser surmised.

"Yes, I saw his witchcraft. He conjured the thing out of thin air."

The Harrowed Half-Breed: A Tarnished Lands Story (Forgotten Woods Book 1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang