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"To get a scope of the ship." Viggo answered lowly.

"Won't the crew report a prisoner outside of her cell to your father?" I inquired warily.

"No. They may work for my father, but they believe in me. They know he's getting older, and that I will most likely be his successor."

"Over your brother?"

"Yes. My brother may be strong and ruthless, but I am cunning and vengeful. To them, that is more frightening than someone who throws things around."

I nodded. "Why am I taking a scoping out the ship again?"

"So, if the chance arises, you'll know where to go to make a successful escape."

I nodded again, while taking note of life boats, objects that could use as makeshift weapons, and other supplies that might come in handy later.

"Do you have a place you can go? Somewhere near here where you might have people who support your cause?"

"That depends. Where exactly are we?"

"Follow me." He instructed, while leading me to the helm of the ship.

Next to it, was a table with a map, a compass, a bottle of ink, a quill, and tools for discerning latitude and longitude.

Viggo pointed to an open body of water as he stated "This is where we are."

I searched the map for anything familiar, but nothing was within swimming distance.

"I can't get anywhere safe without a dragon." I sighed, my heart aches at the thought of Amber. I hadn't laid eyes on her aquamarine orbs in so long.

"...If you had a dragon, where would you go?" He queried slowly.

"There is a place; a refuge where I could hide. My aunt is in charge of it, from what I've heard, but I've never met her."

"Where is it? I might be able to get my father to steer the ship that way."

I let out a defeated sigh. "I can't tell you. Their secrecy is more important than my life."

Viggo copied my sigh, and turned away from the table. "Alright, we'd better go back before my father and brother return from there business trip."

So that's where they were. I deduced.

We made our way down into the hull of the ship and entered the room once again. There, my old clothes were awaiting me, still as grungy as I had left them. shutting the door of the bathroom, I began changing into my worn out clothing.

I still held on to the clothes Viggo had gifted me with; after all, he told me I could keep them as long as I hid them away from prying eyes.

As I slowly opened the door to meet Viggo in the room outside, I tightly held my precious gift of new and warm clothing to my chest, afraid that someone would try to steal them away from me, despite his promise that I was allowed to keep them.

Viggo glanced up at me as the creaking of the wooden door announced my presence.

In his hand was a medium-sized wooden bucket. "Here, put those clothes in this and place it upside-down in the corner of your cell so no one will take much notice of it." He instructed. "I am also moving you out of solitary confinement, and to a cell near the ladder which leads up to the ship's deck. That way, you will get a little more sunlight."

"Thank you." I whispered, and although I did not express my thankfulness in volume, my words were saturated with it.

"It is the least I can do for my friends." He replied, simpathy and remorse evident in his tone.

The walk back to my new cell, though it was not long, was silent.

I am sure that both of our thoughts were clouded with controversial thoughts.

why was he doing this? Why did he help me? He cares for me, and I don't even know why. I pondered, going back and forth in my mind as I had an inner argument with myself.

Before we knew it, we had arrived at our destination.

Neither of us said anything as I solemnly stepped in the cell and shut the door.

We did nothing for a couple minutes, we just stood there and stared at each other, as if we were waiting for the other to speak.

"My father and brother shouldn't be back for a couple of hours, would you like to play a game of Maces and Talons with me?" Viggo hopefully inquired.

A lopsided smile slowly creeped its way onto my mouth, as I nodded.
Sorry this one took so long! Another chapter will be coming really soon to make up for it :)

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