CHAPTER XXVIII: In The Hands Of My Enemy

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   My head pounded like hands to a drum, as I tried to force my heavy eyelids to unlatch, and allow the sunlight to greet my weary eyes.

When my green orbs were finally released from their grasp, I still had little, to no luck of scoping out my surroundings.

My vision was hazy, and blurred. I tried to recall what had happened before I found my self in this undesirable situation.

I know I had teamed up with Restrund, and agreed to stay on his boat; I remembered leaving for the heist, but not much else.

Although my eyesight at the moment was corrupted, I tried my best to take in my obscured surroundings.

I noticed the wooden frame that surrounded me, and how it curved upward on one side.

That meant I was on a boat. 

But which boat? Could I have returned to Restrund's vessel, and received a head injury along the way? Had I fallen off of Amber during the battle, and was found by unsuspecting fisherman? Was I captured?

Captured; now that rang a bell.

I tried my hardest to comprehend what had happened in the past, but to no avail. However, despite my throbbing headache, my vision was becoming clearer by the second.

It was not long before I was able to properly circumspect my surroundings.

I was definitely captured. I was in a cell of some sort, but it was evidently not made to hold prisoners, because the doors, and opposite wall(which wasn't made of wood) was made of dragon proof medal.

You can always tell it's dragon proof, because of its curious turquoise tint.

Alright think, Tigly. You rushed off after that pickpocketing incident to attack that port, you were looking for the map, but got interrupted by someone. Who was it? Think, Think!

I continued to argue with myself in third person, until British Boy, as I had mockingly dubbed Viggo, decided to saunter in and ruin the debate.

"Well, look who's awake."

"Now that you're here, I wish I wasn't." I quipped.

Surprisingly, he didn't respond with some kind of sarcastic comeback. He just rolled his eyes, and opened the door to my cell.

Now, of course I wasn't going to pass up a moment to escape my imprisonment, so I took the liberty of bolting towards the ajar door.

I was abruptly stopped by an iron grip around my upper arm.

"Oh, I don't think so." he growled.

"You can think?"

He didn't answer my snide comment, Viggo just roughly dragged me down the hallway of the ship.

We stopped at a beautifully decorated door. It was a golden engraving of a dragon, adorned with shimmering jewels.

This must be the the captain's quarters. I surmised.

The youngest Grimborn shoved me into a chair, and exited the room.

Krom stood behind his lavish desk, just staring at me. Behind him, I recognized the vague shadow of Ryker Grimborn, Viggo's brother. I didn't know much about the man, just that he did his brother's bidding. I did know, however, that this particular Grimborn was unnecessarily ruthless, and not to be trifled with. Although Ryker was not more ruthless than his younger bother, he was compassionless where it was not needed. Whereas, Viggo knew when to be cruel, and when to be reasonable. 

 Krom continued our unofficial staring contest. I couldn't tell if he was impressed, angry, or surprised.

"Something on my face?" I sarcastically inquired.

"Where are my papers?" He questioned, calmly.

"Your gonna have to be a little more specific than that. There were hundreds of papers in that room."

"The map, and the ships' manifest." He slowly stated, in seething tones.

"I honestly have no idea." I answered truthfully. I knew Amber had them, and I assumed that the Deathsong would have gone back to Restrund's ship, but I didn't know for sure. She could be anywhere in the archipelago by now.

My thoughts were interrupted by my head, all of a sudden, being whipped to the side. A stinging sensation crawled through the nerves on my face.

It took me a while to comprehend what had just taken place, but as my watery orbs focused, I realized Krom had slapped me across the face.

I just smirked; I wouldn't let him get to me.

However, I seemed to be getting to him, as I witnessed the red tint in his face.

"Hey. Why's your face red? I'm the one that got slapped." I remarked.

Krom balled his hand into a fist, and hit me again. This time, with much more force than previously administered.

 That's gonna leave a mark. I internally determined.

I kept the same smirk plastered on my face. I wouldn't give the Grimborns the satisfaction of seeing it fall.

"Where. are. my papers." He grilled slowly, as if English was my first language; emphasizing every word. It was a question, but phrased as a statement.

"I told you, I don't know." I restated, in the same languid manner.

"Liar!" The seething man shouted, while landing another punch to my freshly bruised face.

With my head being whipped from side to side, I could barely lift my head, due to the throbbing pain in my neck; not to mention the headache I had obtained before this whole ordeal even began.

I never let my smirk drop though, not once. I couldn't. I may be young, just fifteen; but I would never allow myself to be believed to be weak.

I tasted the metallic flavor of my crimson blood seeping out of my veins, and through the cut in my lower lip.

"Is that all you got, old man?" I mocked.

My remark resulted in a punch delivered to my stomach.

I bent over, trying to regain control of my senses. Trying not to black out.

My smirk never faltered.

I looked my attacker in his eyes. The evil glint swimming in them, reflecting my own. 

"You can't kill me." I stated.

"And why's that?"

"I'm the only one who knows the location of your precious parchments."

"You're right, I can't kill you; but I can make you wish I would. I will hurt you so much, you're going to beg me to finish it, and end your worthless life. And I, being your gracious host, will mercifully grant it."

"Well if you're so gracious, could you get me a bigger cell, because damn that thing is cramped! I don't even think a Gronkle could fit into the tight confines of that thing."

Another punch was administered to my midriff, as I tried to hold back a grimace, and keep my defying smirk in place.

"We will continue our session tomorrow. Return this 'Ghostrider' to her cell." Krom ordered.

I was half dragged to my makeshift prison cell, as I tried in vain to keep my footing. Black spots were dancing around my vision, like an annoying swarm of relentless bugs around my eyes.

Harshly thrown into my cell, the guards left my presence, and disappeared from my vision; along with everything else.


Hey guys! I know I'm updating unusually soon, but I was super in the mood today, so I did it anyway. Enjoy!

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