CHAPTER X: Dragon Riding

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"Ok, so let me get this strait. This boy, Threk, was just randomly nice to you, and you thought that was suspicious. So you broke into his house in search of evidence, he caught you, and now is blackmailing you to be his friend?" Vivian clarifies, astonished.

"Yeah that basically sums it up." I defeatedly replied, as we walked down to class for our first day of Dragon Riding. "I told him I'd introduce you to him at class today. We're supposed to meet up." I rolled my eyes at that last part.

"And why would I wanna meet the guy that blackmailed my friend?"

"Because if I don't, I'm afraid he'll force me to take you out of the picture all together." I explained mournfully.

"Wow. What a jackass! This is quite the predicament you've gotten yourself into." She replied thoughtfully, trying in vain to find any loopholes.

"Yeah, I know." I responded gloomily.

   "Hello, class." The new teacher began.

We only had Raeth for Dragon Training.

"My name is Mith." The middle aged woman introduced herself.

She was much older than Raeth. She had two brown braids that were intertwined with strands of grey hair due to her long years of dauntless dedication of protecting dragons. Her braids rested on her chest like mine, but they weren't as long. They were slightly thicker than mine, and rested about two inches below her collar bones.

"Since you have already learned how to train a dragon, and have bonded with your own, it only seems fitting that you should learn how to ride one next." Mith explained.

"Now go to the saddle shed to the right of me and pick one out." She commanded, causally gesturing to the small shed east of her.

The saddle room had racks upon racks of leather saddles. Many of them were different sizes, and shapes, meant for different dragons. Their were also different sizes of woven ropes, and different kinds of steering mechanisms.

I wanna try this other stuff so bad! But I'll probably get in huge trouble if I so much as touch the other riding tools. I lament

I reluctantly walked over to the shelf that had Deathsong written in Norse on a sign above it.

I nonchalantly brush my fingers over the plethora of Deathsong saddles until I located the saddle in my dragon's size.

I gingerly lifted it up, examined, and brushed the dust off of it.

Satisfied that this was my saddle of choice, I strode out of the musty shed.

I was met with a sight that I knew would come sooner or later, but I had hoped it wouldn't.

Threk, obviously arriving after I did, was arguing with my best friend, Vivian.

Oh boy. I grimaced, as I quickly strode toward the fight before fists were thrown.

I knew I would have to break up the ensuing argument, but at the same time, exercise every ounce of will power and restraint stored in my frail body, to not join the fight at Vivian's side; maybe throw a few fists as well.

That made me smile. But I quickly pushed away that thought. I could not make this worse, because if I did, Threk could very well holler my secret from the rooftops.

As I approached the ongoing fight, I could hear hushed voices, each dripping with equal amount of poison.

"How dare you blackmail my best friend!" Vivian seethed.

"How dare she just assume that I was a spy because I was nice to her, and break into my hut in the middle of the night!" Threk retorted.

"She was following her instincts!" Vivian defended. Threk scoffed mid sentence. "I would have done the same thing in her shoes, despite the lack of evidence concerning her theory."

"But I'm not a spy!" It was Threk's turn to defend, only, he was defending himself.

"Maybe you are. Maybe you aren't. But without looking for evidence, you never going to find any!"

Threk groaned. "How can you-"

"Guys!" I whisper-shouted, interrupting whatever ludicrous thing that was about to gush out of that boy's mouth. "I hate the situation we're in too. But Threk and I made a deal, and we need to buck up, and own it."

Both of them sighed in defeat.

I love being right. I thought gleefully.

"Now let's all get along and try to get through one day with out any incidents." I told them.

"Fine." They consented in unison.

Little did I know that the unfortunate turns of events that always seemed to trail behind me, were far from over.


Hey, guys m! I know that this chapter was pretty minuscule, but the last chapter was really long so I guess it pans out. Anyway, I hope you guys like it! Don't forget to vote, it means the world to me. Anyway, have a nice day(or night) and merry Christmas!

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