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   The scent of musty, unwashed uniforms, moldy walls, and rotting floor boards overwhelmed my senses as I tried to concentrate on the task set before me; one that, for the sake of my pride, I could not fail. Viggo's chocolate orbs burned deep into my soul, as he searched for any secret motive I might be hiding under the layers of seemingly unconnected moves.

 My pieces lay scattered across the game board, giving the appearance of utter disorder, while my opponent's were strategically placed, and in absolute alignment. I had a plan for my disarray, however. Although it seemed as if I had no strategy, I was closer than ever to beating Viggo's ass.

He finished his turn, doing exactly what I had hoped he would. Little did he know, that it would be his last.

A smirk snuck its way onto my face as I took out his viking chief with my lone warrior, winning the game.

My smirk transformed into a grin, as I witnessed my opponent's dumb founded expression, plastered on his face. 

"It seems you've met your match." I stated, simply.

"Indeed." He answered slowly, still in shock that I had beat him in the very game he was obsessed with; although, he quickly recovered.

"I've noticed that you seem to favor the lone warrior, in this game. Could this have something to do with your obscured background?" Viggo queried.

"My background? What do you know about my background?"

"Not much. But with your advanced fighting, and strategic skills, there's no way you could have trained yourself. However, you do seem to be alone in this world. You have a unique fighting style, one I have rarely seen. I must say, your past quite interests me. Not in the way it interests my father; he wants to know more about you, so he can exploit your weaknesses. I, however, am merely curious at how a young girl like you, ends up attacking an armed port atop a highly dangerous dragon, and attempts stealing confidential papers from a well known war lord." He shrugs.

"I wasn't always alone." I whispered, barely audibly. I missed my mother, Vivian, and my home. However, there was no going back now. 

"Then why are you here? Did something happen to your family?"

" No, I ran away. My mother hid something from me. I had to find it, and she would not aid me in my endeavors. My people's beliefs prevented me from leaving the island without orders to do so, and returning to it. They have very strict laws, which help aid in their obscurity. So I left, knowing I would never be allowed to return. But what I was seeking before you captured me, was far greater than anything that island had in store for me." Even though this man was technically my enemy, I felt a strange connection to him. 

His father's strictness, and secrecy resembled my mother's somewhat. His family's devotion to what they were doing, because they believed it was right; either that, or they just didn't care I'm not sure which. They were steadfast in the thought that dragons were a scurge upon humanity. We were so different, yet the same. And for some reason, I minusculely trusted Viggo; even if it was only slightly. Perhaps it was the profound loneliness I had felt. It was almost suffocating, like a stone wall being lowered on top of me from above; crushing my hope of being united with someone who understood me, and was willing to listen. Or maybe it was the fact that Viggo was so open with me and his problems, that part of me wanted to share something back. It wasn't like I was giving him confidential information, I was merely stating why I was in the position I presently found myself in. It was relieving to discuss my feelings, and the many trials I had endured, while away from home. I slightly believed that Viggo felt the same way. That he had no one to share his feelings with, until I had come along. Even if I was a prisoner. It wasn't as if he could talk to his brother or father about his problems, due to the fact that they were one of the many reasons he would begin his long and endearing monologues, with me being his only audience. Gods he annoyed me so much, but I didn't have anyone else to converse with, so here I was. Talking to the enemy.

"What do you mean your people strive to live in obscurity, as you have hinted?" He questioned, obviously confused at what I had just divulged to him. "Wait...Annoying laws...Unique strategy, and battle skills...Lots of secrecy...Not being allowed to leave often...Living in obscurity..." He kept whispering things, reiterating what I had previously stated.

"By Thor's beard...Your the last Valkaydan!" He alleged, in awe.

"Well...I am a Valkaydan, yes, but what on Valhalla's green slopes do you mean the last?!"

"You didn't know did you..." He murmured quietly. I couldn't tell if it was sympathy in his British voice, or fear of treading on something extremely personal; as if he was afraid he would say something touchy, and I would suddenly snap.

"Explain." I commanded tersely. Who knew that a prisoner would be the one giving the orders. However, I knew he would tell me. He just loved the sound of his voice too much.

"A while ago," He started unconfidently, which was unusual for him, "We heard whispers of an infamous dragon hunter-"

"More infamous than you?" I interrupted, sarcasm dripping from my voice. 

"My dear, I am not a dragon hunter. I leave that job to the peasants. I am a business man, remember?"

I just rolled my eyes, and let him continue. It was no use arguing with him on the subject.

"As I was saying," he began again, his voice strained with annoyance. "We heard rumors that this famed dragon hunter finally discovered the location of the elusive Valkaydans. You see, you and your people made quite the dent in our business. Anyway, he marched to the island, and stormed the place. I ascertained from a couple of loud-mouthed employees of mine, that this hunter, Grimmel I believe his name is, was searching for the last Night Fury there. It was believed that the Valkaydans possessed the last one. Nevertheless, no such dragon was found. Apparently, this Grimmel fellow boasted that he burnt their whole village to the ground, and the people with it. However, rumor has it that one, indeed, survived. I can only assume that is you, Rider."

At the end of this relay of information, I was utterly shell-shocked. How could they all be dead? everyone I knew and loved, gone. Vanished into thin air. My mother, my best friend, and her family that I adored so dearly, made their journey to Valhalla at the hand of this detestful man. I would find Grimmel, and exact my revenge on the villain that stole my family, my friends, my people, and my home, so viciously from me. 

However, there seemed to be a line of who I was going to reek havoc on. 

Krom, for starters, since he is the one that robbed me of nine years of my life with my mother. Viggo was no longer on my list, surprisingly. Yes, he annoys the hell out of me, however not only does he hate his father almost as much as I do, but he is fair in his dealings, and not nearly as out of control as I had assumed he was in the beginning, when we had first met. Nevertheless, I couldn't allow his line of work to continue. I would just have to destroy his growing empire, but I knew, because of our long conversations, and his unusual friendliness to me, that I could not kill him. Besides, it seemed to me, that the person sitting outside of the bars in my cell was the closest thing I had to a friend, at the moment. I would still kill Krom, though, eventually. I would have to be patient, however, all good things come to those who wait.


Hey guys! hope you like the new cover for my book. I though the other one was kinda boring, and not very catchy, so I decided to spice it up a bit. Happy reading! :)

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