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   (A/N: the pic above is the entrance to the pub Tigly always goes to in the Northern Markets)

   The warm rays of sunlight pierced my shut eyelids as I began to stir, and shake off the ever-clingy grasp that sleep has on me.

When I finally find the motivation to open my eyes(that motivation being breakfast), I notice that I am not in my warm, cozy cave. Nor am I in my bed, enveloped in my fur blanket.

No, I'm in a tree. Using Amber as a pillow, as she curls her midnight black, and twilight aquamarine body around my own figure.

The branch we're on is quite large. Obviously, considering that it's wide enough to hold one very large Deathsong, with out said dragon, slipping off.

I look down, and I can see that we're about 50 ft. up. Which is pretty high, but the trees here are enormous, which is why I chose this island.

Why I chose the island. My last thought echoes in my still groggy mind.

The island, the name, Vivian's consent, my mother's lies, Me running away.

I ran away.

I can't go back now. Not after leaving like that. Even though I left with a worthy purpose, coming back so soon would be considered cowardice in the ways of the Valkaydans.

No, I had to finish my mission and find my brother. Not that I would have gone back anyway, even if the culture was different. I had to find my brother, it's just that, now that I ran away, it's set in stone.

One foot in front of the other I guess. I tell myself.

Amber is stirring too, and I know we need to get some food in our stomachs, before continuing on our 'quest'.

Gosh, it sounds so fancy when I say it that way.

We need to hurry too, my mother, despite our culture, would most likely send a search party for me, as soon as she was able.

So, I hopped atop amber, and we gracefully ascended into the sky, until we were above the trees enough to get a good lay of the land.

We spotted a body of water, in a clearing just below us. I decided that fish would be a delightful breakfast.

   We gracefully lighted onto the soft grass surrounding the pond.

The pond itself was rather large, but not big enough to be called a lake.

I searched about for a nice, straight branch. When I finally found one of the size that I wanted, I took out the dagger in my boot, and began shaving it down, until it became a sharp, pointy spear.

I carefully squatted on a large rock, and waited for my prey to make an appearance.

I noticed Amber idly sitting on the bank of the river, and I could tell she was bored.

"Amber, why don't you get some breakfast?" I suggested.

She perked up at this. She loved chasing fish.

Apparently I didn't have to ask her twice, because in two seconds she was already halfway into the pond!

"Hey! While your at it, chase some fish my direction!" I yelled.

She flared her wings, and the flaps of skin on her head, as she ushered them in my direction.

I chortled at the sight of Amber, wings and skin flaps flared, chasing fish, and trying to catch them in her mouth!

It was quite the sight.

Although, I wasn't able to enjoy it for long.

I had to stop clutching my stomach in laughter, and actually catch breakfast in the swarms of fish headed my direction.

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