Chapter 30: Wait Just a Gosh Darn Minute!

Start from the beginning

Evie's PoV:
       I was sure I was going into labor. I had read about this in my books. Contractions. They weren't that badddd yet, but I knew that they would be. But, that didn't matter yet, or today. It was the Prince of Auradon's birthday. He was my best friend's boyfriend! It was clearly an important day.
      Yes, I asked Mal to make everyone's dresses. Hopefully she thought it was just because I too tired to work that much right now. I knew if she suspected I was going to labor she would flip out. She would cancel all plans and rush me to the hospital.
      But I didn't want that. She needed this time with Prince Ben, she didn't need to worry about me. So I kept this to myself. Once it got unbearable, then I would let Mal and the others know. I just hoped that it wasn't anytime soon.
       My friends had gone ahead to the party with their significant others. I was still in the dorm trying to get ready and waiting on Doug who had graciously offered to take me to the castle. I really was trying so hard to get ready. But, the pain was definitely getting worse. Finally I had finished getting ready, just as a knock sounded at my door. I opened it to see a smiling Doug.
      "You look radiant." He couldn't stop staring at me. I put on my coat, as it was super cold out, and took his arm as I closed the door.
     "No. I look like a beached whale." I laughed and looked down. "Now stop that! You most certainly do not!" I thanked him and noticed his blush. As I'm sure he noticed mine. "Did I tell you I came up with a name for him?" I asked as we walked through the cold night. "You did not..." Doug sounded nervous and a bit sad. I hoped that telling him the name would cheer him up.
      "I'm thinking Daniel Greyson..." I was right. A smile spread across his face. "I like it." I smiled back at him. "I'm glad." The rest of our walk was silent. We were trying to rush but, I couldn't move very fast.
       Once we arrived at the castle Lumier took our coats and lead us to the ballroom with the party. I took in the scene. I really had to admit, even without my help, Mrs. Potts and Belle has done a lovely job decorating.
     Doug must have spotted our friends as he lead us over to a table and pulled out a chair for me. "Happy Birthday Prince Ben!" I yelled over the music. "Thank you Evie!" He called back to me, laughing at my excitement. I just loved birthdays!
     I stayed at the table while my friends got up to dance and mingle. I was just semi more comfortable sitting. But, I was as okay as I could be. I did still enjoy watching everyone have fun. Until a stronger contraction hit me. I winced.
     "You good E?" I turned to Mal. I tried to hide my pain. But, I was terrible at hiding my emotions or anything for that matter, especially from my sister. "Yeahhhh. Yeah. I'm good..." I winced through another contraction. "Maybe walking around will help?" I nodded. Mal called Doug over to help me up. I hated being such a bother. But, never the less they got me up.
       It felt better for a slight moment, until I felt water running down my leg... My eyes widened. "You alright, Evie?" It was Doug that time. "Yeah. Not so much..." They both just stared at me...
      "Guys, my water just broke..." from there it was a mad rush and all kinds of chaos. Mal, Doug, and Audrey were rushing me to a limo and everyone else was climbing in a second one. WAIT! Why was Audrey helping me? God! I didn't have time to worry about other things!!!

Audrey's Party Dress:

Annalise's Party Dress:

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Annalise's Party Dress:

Annalise's Party Dress:

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Belle's Party Dress:

Belle's Party Dress:

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Evie's Party Dress:

Jane's Party Dress:

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Jane's Party Dress:

Lonnie's Party Dress:

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Lonnie's Party Dress:

Lonnie's Party Dress:

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Mal's Party Dress:

Mal's Party Dress:

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