"What date?" Jade asks sternly, wanting to get up and strangle Sikowitz. She couldn't stand staying in the same room sitting next to the brunette next to her and she couldn't even get herself to look at her.

"This one," Sikowitz says and added a smile to his face. He unsleeves his wrist and puts his watch closely towards his face, attempting to read the time on the small device. "It begins now at.. 7'o 12 PM. You two will stay here eat, drink, chat, and giggle, until the restaurant closes at midnight."

Jade doesn't take a moment to think it over and gets up furiously, grabbing her jacket. "Forget it, I'm leaving."

"Yup, me too." Tori agrees and grabs her bag which hung over her chair.

"Ah!" Sikowitz bursts out loudly, stopping both girls in their tracks. He gives them a deadly serious yet threatening look, but neither girl knew to take it completely serious or not. The man's face softens a bit, a thin line at his mouth. "If either of you leave before midnight, you both get an F for the semester."

Tori cringes in frustration. She knew she couldn't fail the semester or her parents would kill her. Literally.

"Sikowitz𑁋" Tori starts but Jade interrupts.

"It's fine, he's not going to know when we leave."

"Oh, yes he gonna!" Sikowitz chims in proudly. "I have two spies watching you." He points toward to a table opposite to where Tori and Jade stood by, a familiar ginger-haired boy sitting in a chair and watching their direction. "Sinjin." Sinjin held a pair of binoculars to his face. Then Sikowitz spun around toward the doorway to the kitchen. "And Burf." Burf emerges from the doorway, biting into another yellow pepper.

Sikowitz faced towards them with a naughty grin.

"Happy dating."

He marchesout of the restaurant quickly, leaving both girls to watch him leave in disbelief. They exchange a momentary, helpless glance, sitting back down in their seats angrily. Jade so badly wanted to get up and throw Sinjin and Burf out of the restaurant and kick their asses, but she can't do it with Tori here. And she didn't want Tori to see that violent side of her, and she surely didn't want to talk with her because she knew that Tori would just ask about her.

She hated it when people asked about her personal life.

"Excuse me," Tori says towards the same waiter who gave her green tea. The man spins around and looks at them. Tori hesitates, attempting to exchange another glance with Jade but she just turned away quickly and looked down at the ground.

"Yeah, my date and I were wondering if you had a flight of stairs we could throw ourselves down."

Jade flinches internally to the word, needing the night to be over.

But at the same time, she didn't exactly want the night to end.


Tori quietly scoops some of her soup into her spoon, loudly slurping into her mouth as if the sounds were loud enough to drown her nervous and racing thoughts. To the side, Jade grimaces to the sound but continued to eat some sushi.

Again, Tori loudly slurps again causing annoyance to fill the raven-haired girl's body.

And again.

"NO!" Jade yells towards Tori who looked surprised by her sudden explosion and placed her bowl back onto the table disappointingly, cowering her face down towards the floor. Jade shakes her head, fiddling with the rice in her bowl with her pink chopsticks with the urge to just squeeze the life out of something with her own fists. She hated getting those types of thoughts and urges, but she couldn't help herself. "Worst night ever."

𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 | jori ✓ {revamping}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora