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Frank giggled to himself. He was curled up on his side with his laptop in front of him catching up on the latest episode of Mock The Week.

He was so absorbed in the show he hadn't noticed that Gerard had slipped into his room, and let out a small squeak of surprise when the punk crawled onto his bed, grinning as he draped an arm across Frank's middle.

"Oh, Gee." Frank breathed, smiling as he craned his neck awkwardly to see his boyfriend.

Gerard didn't reply, he just pulled himself closer to Frank, resting his head on his hand as he propped himself up.

"What'cha watching?"

"Mock the week." Frank mumbled, his attention back on the screen again.

"Didn't know you were into comedies."

Frank stretched himself out, pausing the episode and lying on his back, turning his head to grin smugly up at Gerard.

"You, sir," He said, tapping Gerard's nose, who frowned, "don't know a lot of things."

Gerard raised an eyebrow.

"Well then, tell me one thing I don't know about you."

"You still think my favourite colour is pink-"

"But it's not, it's actually purple." Gerard cut him off with a smirk.

Frank scowled at Gerard, his nose scrunching up as he pouted, but his features soon smoothed out again as he thought, letting out an excited gasp.

"I want to eventually go on to be a pathologist but I didn't take pathology course at uni 'cause I don't wanna restrict myself?"

"Yeah, you took a bio-chemistry course with medicine as your specialised topic."

Frank grumbled something to himself about how good of a listener Gerard was, folding his arms across his chest but suddenly unfolded one of his arms, almost smacking his boyfriend in the face.

"I know! You don't- or didn't until now - know that I play guitar!"

Gerard hummed, he didn't know that Frank could play guitar and his boyfriend had never mentioned it before, he was certain of that.

"And..." Frank started adding, the grin on his face growing, "I used to play in a band in high school."

"Can you play something for me?"

"I- uh, I'm-" the grin vanished and was replaced with a nervous look.

"You don't have to if you don't want to, I was just wondering." Gerard mumbled, lying back on the bed so he was facing the ceiling.

"No, no I can, it's just... I haven't actually played for anyone other than myself in a while, um... yeah." Frank muttered as he pushed himself into sitting position and shuffled to the edge of the bed, quickly padding across his room to the small closet and pushing away the clothes from the side, revealing a gorgeous cherry red guitar, carrying it back over to his bed and sitting down with it across his lap. He blushed vividly when he noticed Gerard watching him so closely, but tried to calm himself down, concentrating on tuning the strings instead.

He then started strumming a g chord lightly, before switching to a cadd9 then d, glancing up at Gerard with a smile as the punk recognised the well known song.

"Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road-" Gerard started singing quietly.

Frank faltered, but quickly got back into the rhythm. Gerard's voice was like nothing he had ever heard before. It had the same uniqueness as Billie's, but in a totally different way.

"Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go, so make the best of this test and don't ask why, it's not a question but a lesson learned in time-"

"It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right, I hope you had the time of your life." Frank joined in, his voice even softer and quieter than Gerard's, he didn't even like singing in front of people but he really couldn't help himself with this time.  They continued the song, unable to contain the smiles despite the sad song, Frank leaning back against Gerard and smiling as he felt the punk's chest vibrating with the soft notes.

"You have a really nice voice." Frank hummed, tilting his head back and looking up at Gerard. The punk frowned, his head tilting slightly in confusion.

"I mean like, it's really calming, I could listen to you talk or sing all day to be honest." Frank shrugged, looking down at his guitar again.

"Oh." Gerard went quiet for a moment before breathing in deeply, signalling he was going to say something, but the words never came.


"Aren't we supposed to be visiting your parents today?"

"Shit-" Frank scrambled to get up, discarding his guitar at the end of his bed and hurrying over to his closet, pulling out his black dungarees and the royal blue top, stripping of the clothes he was wearing and tugging the outfit on.

"What are you doing?"

"My parents may be unintentional dicks but I still love them and I don't wanna kill them by looking like a slutty cheerleader... or not today anyway." Frank giggled, buckling up the top of the dungarees and giving himself a quick once over in his mirror before turning back to Gerard.


"Yep! You ready to go?"

"Guess so." Gerard bobbed his head, shuffling to the edge of the bed and standing up next to Frank, barely gaining his balance before his hand was grabbed and he was pulled from the room and out the front door to his car.

"Someone's excited-" Gerard commented as he looked over to Frank, twisting the keys into the ignition. The smaller male nodded quickly, his hair flying up around his head as he did so.

"Forgive me for asking, but I thought you didn't really like your dad?"

"I don't really but he still supports me educationally and if it makes my mom happy seeing me then he deals with it, so I can't really complain y'know? He loves her a lot so even if he isn't too happy with how I turned out-" Frank gave a chuckle, "He's not gonna say anything."

"Fair enough, it's nice they still love each other though."

"Yeah." Frank smiled, sliding down in his seat slightly, tapping his fingers along his thighs.

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