I forgot to rename this before i published it so heres 'Draft'

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When Gerard arrived at Frank's door, the last thing he expected was to hear 'Take On Me' by a-Ha playing. He even less expected to open the door and find his small boyfriend dancing around his room in just his boxers and a pastel pink cropped top; well, the pastel pink was to be expected, but put together in what could barely be called an outfit like that? not so much.

And Gerard would be lying if he said that his eyes hadn't slipped downwards to what Frank's tight underwear hid. He couldn't help himself, and he hadn't meant to do it, but once he realised where he was looking, his eyes snapped back up to Frank's face.

"Frankie?" He called, stepping into the room and pushing the door shut behind him, leaning his back against it. The smaller male didn't react, instead starting to sing along, spinning around as he tried to hit the high note, stumbling slightly but regaining his balance as he came to a stop just a meter from Gerard.

As his eyes opened Gerard's grin just widened, watching in amusement as Frank's head rose until he finally looked Gerard in the face, a vivid blush spreading across his cheeks along with an embarrassed smile.

"Hey there."

"Hi..." Frank mumbled back, pulling himself so he was stood up straight again, his head angled downwards slightly so he was looking up at Gerard through his lashes, making him seem even more adorable.

"You okay?" Gerard chuckled, if you could even call the soft half-laugh he let out a chuckle, tucking a strand of Frank's hair behind his ear, smiling at how Frank still - no matter how many times he did this - blushed at the action.

Frank nodded, his gaze dropping to the floor and he drew a half circle on the floor with his toe. Gerard opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by the beat of Sweet Dreams by the Eurythmics, and the smirk returned to his face, looking down at Frank.

The smaller male jumped, looking at his speaker with an almost accusative look, before sending Gerard a sheepish smile and shrugging.

"What? It's a good song."

"Fair enough." Gerard laughed, "what other gems do you have on your playlist?"

"uhh..." Frank looked up to the ceiling in thought before wandering over to his bed and sitting on the edge, "Final Countdown, um, Bad Reputation, the Joan Jett version though, be my baby-" He blushed again, "poison, animal by def leppard, the classics y'know." Frank looked over his shoulder to where Gerard had crawled onto and lay down on his bed, sporting the classic 'draw me like one of your french girls' pose.

"And on that note, since your birthday is next week I got you- actually never mind, I wanna surprise you." Gerard started but cut himself off with a smirk.

"No!" Frank whined, twisting and lying down next to Gerard, "I wanna know now!"

Gerard chuckled again, "No, I want to surprise you, so I'm no gonna tell you."

"Hmph." Frank pouted, crossing his arms across his chest and rolling over to lie on his back. What could Gerard possibly be getting him for his birthday? It had to be something music related, right? Maybe it was a CD or a giftcard? Frank could only wonder. He turned his head to look Gerard, only to find his boyfriend was already staring at him, and a blush rose on his face, suddenly very aware of his lack of clothing.

"I, um, I'm gonna go put some-"

"Oh- Yeah, sure yeah-" Gerard agreed, a blush rising on his face as Frank crawled to the edge of his bed and shuffled across the room, pulling a black pleated skirt from his drawers and pulling it up, fastening the buttons at the side.

He then crawled back onto his bed, sitting facing Gerard who peered back up at him, leaning down and pressing a kiss to Gerard's pursed lips before sitting back up again with a small smile.


"Nothin', I just like kissing you."

"Shutup." Gerard mumbled, a playful scowl on his face.

"What? I do! I really, really do!" Frank giggled, pressing a kiss to each of Gerard's cheeks, his nose and then finally his lips, kipping them pressed together as a smile grew on his face.

"Oh!" Frank gasped, pulling away, "could you make me look like you?"


"I mean, make me look like I'm a punk? Oh and I could make you look like me!" Frank let out a giggle.

Gerard just raised his eyebrows, trying to imagine what clothes Frank had that could possibly fit him.

The next minute Frank was jumping back onto his bed with an almost delirious expression on his face and an armful of clothing.

"Here! Put these on!" Frank pushed the fabrics towards Gerard, who took them with a wary look, sitting up and shuffling to the edge of the bed and setting them down again, then pulling his tank top up over his head, turning to the first item of clothing which happened to be a cropped pastel pink hoodie.

He twisted, looking at Frank as if to say 'really? This?' But his boyfriend just grinned back at him, urging him to go on, and so, he tugged the soft jumper over his head and pulled the hood down, glad that he hadn't bothered with spiking his hair up into its usual Mohawk that day.

Gerard has thought that the hoodie had been bad enough, let alone when he picked up the next item, realising just what they were and letting out a slow exhale. He stood up, facing away from Frank and unbuckled his belt, pushing his black skinny jeans to the floor and stepping out of them, sitting back down to pull the fishnets up over his legs.

He then stood up, again, and pulled up the dark grey, distressed denim shorts, buttoning them up and turning back to Frank, who let out a squeal and clapped his hands, clearly delighted with the outfit.

"You look amazing! And oh my god- your legs- wow, I-" Frank rambled, cutting himself off. Gerard just blushed, looking down at himself, and turning to look in the mirror hung on the back of Frank's door.

He hadn't actually expected to like what he saw and - whilst being majorly out of his comfort zone- he had to admit, he looked pretty cute.

"Oh god, fuck me!" He heard Frank sigh then a soft 'oomf' as Frank presumably fell back against the duvet.

"Excuse me, are we forgetting who your boyfriend is here?" Gerard smirked, turning back to face Frank, who blushed but flicked his fingers up at Gerard, a cheeky grin on his face.

Pretty Boy (You Make Me Want To Live)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin