She's Kerosene

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I'm now using The Interrupters song titles fight me

Gerard had left soon after that, bidding Frank goodbye - even initiating the hug - and although Frank was sad to see him go, he knew that Gerard couldn't just live with them forever, especially without a reason.

So now Frank was curled up on his bed, one of his teddies hugged tightly to his chest. He didn't know what he was feeling anymore, before he thought that he didn't want to be in a relationship with Gerard, but now? He wasn't so sure.

When Gerard was next him it was like his heart was bursting of happiness. Whenever he thought about Gerard he couldn't stop a smile from stretching across his face. And when he was away from Gerard it felt like he wasn't whole.

A quiet knock at the door pulled him from his thoughts.

"Come in." He mumbled, not moving to see who it was. The person sat at the end of his bed and Frank could see the long black hair; it was Jamia.

"Hey Frank." She said softly, giving him a small smile.

"Hey." Frank mumbled back. He wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone and could already feel himself becoming irritated with Jamia being there, but he wasn't going to say anything about it.

Frank was expecting Jamia to say something, but it was like she knew that Frank didn't want her there, and bit her tongue, deciding against whatever she was going to say.

"Do you want something?" Frank asked, the irritation accidentally seeping into his voice.

"No- I- It's about Gerard but I can go if you aren't in the mood to talk." Jamia said, unphased but Frank's tone.

"Gerard?" Frank echoed, sitting up on the bed so he was facing Jamia, the teddy held loosely in his lap.

"Yeah- I know I haven't known him for long, Frank, but he really likes you; anyone can see that-"

"I know, he's told me, and I'm scared Jam, I don't know what to do, you know about my ex's, I- I-" Frank cut himself off with a loud sob, to which Jamia lent forwards and pulled the effeminate boy into her arms.

"Hey, Shh, it's okay, I know this is hard for you, but just hear me out okay?" Jamia murmured, stroking Frank's hair. He nodded and let out a sniffle, "From my point of view, Gerard is nothing like any of your ex's, am I right?" Frank nodded again, wiping some of the tears away.

"So I think you should give him a chance, okay? When I asked him about you, he didn't have any obvious bad intentions, Frank he really likes you, when I mentioned you he smiled, his eyes lit up just at the thought of you, and if that doesn't scream his care for you then I don't know what does."

Frank sniffled softly, and a smile was spreading across his face as he wiped the tears away.

"Feeling better?"

Frank nodded, "thanks." He smiled, sitting back up.

"Oh also, Gerard told me to tell you that he's taking you on a date tonight so... get ready for that." Jamia grinned brightly, standing up.


"He's gonna be here at 7, smart casual." And with that, Jamia turned and left the room, leaving Frank with a gaping expression.

Gerard? A date? Smart casual? Those were 3 things that Frank thought would never be in a sentence together. He stood up, shuffling over to his dresser and pulling out a black skirt - one that flared out if he spun fast enough. He then moved to his wardrobe and shifted through until he found his favourite top - a faded pink with a light grey drawing of a pug on it and the phrase "pugs not drugs".

He set the outfit down on his bed before leaving his room and disappearing into the bathroom to try and clean up a bit, splashing cold water on his face to soothe the blotchiness from crying earlier. He then dabbed some moisturiser onto his cheeks and forehead before heading back to his room, fanning himself to try and get the moisturiser to soak in faster.

He didn't wear makeup often, but when he did it was for a special occasion, and he deemed a date was worthy of that. He used some primer first, dabbing a bit across his cheeks, nose and eyes, using the excess from his finger on his Cupid's bow and browbones.

He then used an eyeliner to do a catwing, followed by mascara. He then dotted a liquid highlighter across his cheekbones, again using any excess from his fingers to add some to his Cupid's bow, then dotting some on his browbones and the tip of his nose, blending it all out and turning his face in the lights of his room to make sure it was equal.

Next came his favourite part; blusher. He always used a big powder brush for this, even though he knew that wasn't how it was supposed to be used. He dipped the brush in the powder pigment a couple of times before tapping it on the pan and sweeping it across his cheeks, just under the highlighter, repeating with the other side of his face, then picking up a slightly smaller brush (one that was probably an actual blush brush) and using the same blush across the bridge of his nose and just under the tip.

He had seen the last idea on YouTube a couple of weeks prior and loved how it looked on the girl in the video and had wanted to try it ever since, and now was the perfect opportunity.

He smiled at the finish product, the smile widening as he admired the makeup on his face.

"Knock knock!" Jamia yelled, knocking on the door before pushing it open, "I hope you're almost ready because Gerard's gonna be here in an hour."

Frank just nodded, shooing her from his room and she dramatically rolled her eyes, feigning being offended as she left, pulling the door shut behind her.

He then got dressed, first pulling on a pair of sheer black tights, then the shirt and then his skirt, tucking the slightly baggy tee in and twirling in the mirror, a small giggle escaping his lips.

Since he had no pockets, his next 'task' was to find a bag to put in any necessities, such as tissues, his phone and a chapstick, and once this was done he fell back on his bed, lying there for a second before sitting back up again. He hadn't touched his hair at all, and while he liked how it looked most of the time, he should probably do something with it.

He shuffled back over to the small vanity and sat back down in front of it, messing with his fringe a bit then finally pulling out a grey bow clip and clipping his fringe back.

He truly did look adorable.

"Jamia?" He yelled.

"Yeah?" The black-haired girl yelled back.

"Come here?"

He heard a pattering of feet seconds later, and the bubbly girl burst into his room, a grin across her face.


"Does this look okay? It's not too much is it?" Frank asked nervously, standing and giving a small twirl and letting the skirt flow out around him.

"You look gorgeous!" Jamia squealed, clapping her hands.

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