M K Ultra

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unrelated; the love i have for this song is ,, wOW,, a phat fucktonne & sOrry it's been so long I was on holiday (hence why I uploaded 3 at once before I went) but hey I'm back now !

They ended up deciding on watching Rocky Horror, snuggling down together on Frank's bed as the smaller male opened up his laptop and pulled the film up. They had previously been lying separately to each other, the laptop resting between them as Frank tapped around with his movie library, but once the film had started, Frank had shuffled over and was basically using Gerard as a mattress after pulling his laptop over onto Gerard's thighs with basically no explanation. And anyway, they ended up falling asleep together, but where's the surprise there.

Frank woke up a couple of hours later, finding the laptop still on Gerard's lap and carefully pulled it off him, setting it on the floor and trying his best to push it under his bed before cuddling up to Gerard again, letting out a soft and contented sigh. Gerard pulled Frank closer to him, rolling over in his sleep and taking Frank with him, their positions reversed with Gerard lying half on top of Frank, not that the smaller male minded in the slightest.

Frank soon fell back asleep, matching his breathing with Gerard's until he felt himself dropping off again.


"Rise and shine motherfuckers I made you breakfast now eat it!" Maxx yelled as he waltzed into Frank's room the next morning, coming at a stop next to Frank's bed and grinning down at the pair.

Frank let out a groan, bringing his hand up to cover his eyes but it turned into a snort when he saw what his housemate was wearing. The blonde boy had donned a chefs hat along with a bright blue apron and was holding a spatula up in the air.

"You look ridiculous." Frank giggled, still not moving.

"I know, now get your lazy ass up you've been asleep since at least 4pm yesterday."

Frank waved a dismissive hand in the air, as if he was trying to waft his housemate away, "go away-" He mumbled, adding to the action.

"Okay, just as long as you get Gerard up too." Maxx replied sceptically, leaving the room and shutting the door with a soft click. Frank mumbled something inaudible and waved his hand again before looking to wake Gerard up.

The punk was sprawled across the majority of the bed, lying on his front with his arm draped across Frank's middle, making the smaller male smile to himself at Gerard's unconscious action.

"Gerard?" Frank asked quietly, poking at Gerard's face and watching as his forehead creased.

Gerard groaned, turning his head away and making himself comfy again with a quiet sigh.

"Gerard." Frank whined, poking the punks' head again, giggling quietly as Gerard tried to bat his hand away but kept his eyes firmly closed.

"Gee-" Frank tried again, leaning closer to Gerard, "we need to get up now-"

"Don't wanna." Gerard mumbled, not moving from his position. Frank shifted again, lifting Gerard's arm off him and crawling until he was lying on top of Gerard, laying his head down at the nape of Gerard's neck and tracing over the tattoos covering Gerard's arms with his fingers.

Gerard let out a contented sigh and folded his arms under his head, lifting his chin to rest on his forearms and he looked up out of the window.

"Y'know, you really aren't making me want to get up right now." Gerard chuckled, his voice gravelly from the lack of use overnight.

Frank let out a groan, pressing his forehead to Gerard's back;

"So how do I get you up?" He asked.

"Well... if you left the room then I'd probably  wanna follow you..." Gerard suggested and Frank knew full well that the punk was smirking.

So with that, Frank rolled off Gerard and skipped out of the room, flouncing down the hallway and into the kitchen where Maxx was stood at the stove.

Pastel pink shorts and a top that was definitely way too small were worn by the effeminate boy and he greeted Maxx as he slid onto one of the kitchen stools, waiting for his housemate to finish cooking.

"Nice to see you finally decided to join me." Maxx laughed, moving an egg to one of the plates lined up on the side, repeating the action for the other two plates.

"Mhmm," Frank hummed in response, "Gerard didn't wanna get up."

"I figured." Maxx replied, a small laugh slipping out, "Oh, hey Gerard!" He then added and Frank followed his gaze, finding the punk loitering in the doorway, a tired smile across his face, but it quickly brightened up once he saw Frank sat at the table with a space next to him.

"G'mornin'" Gerard mumbled back, shooting a smile in Maxx's direction before joining Frank, sitting on the stool next to him.

"You guys sleep well then?" Maxx grinned enthusiastically.

"... yeah?"

"Good, good, you both need your sleep." Maxx smiled again, but directed his comment more at Frank as he (obviously) knew of the smaller male's habits of leaving the house for his midnight walks, which clearly led to him not getting enough sleep.

Frank blushed and looked down at the plate in front of him, watching out of the corner of his eye as Maxx and Gerard made friendly conversation and tucked into their food. Frank was finished quickly and he sat silently, listening to the talk, but it wasn't very interesting and he zoned out a couple of times.

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