Exogenesis: Symphony Part 3 (Resurrection)

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Full credits go to @/happy_humbug76 on Instagram for the artwork & dont forget to check out their profile for more like that !

"Okay, I'll- uh, I'll be back in a minute-" and with that, Frank left the room and Gerard could hear the smaller male yelling for Jamia as he made his way down the stairs.

He reappeared a minute later with a black hair dryer in his hands and he hurried over to his desk, plugging it in.

"Come here!" He beckoned Gerard, who hadn't moved since Frank had left minutes earlier. Frank pulled out the chair, pushing Gerard down into it and turned the hair dryer on.

"Oi, who said you could dry my hair?" Gerard joked, a smile spreading across his face as Frank looked up at him in the mirror with a look of panic across his face before realising that Gerard was in fact joking about and returning the smile.

"You don't mind me using my hands do you?"

"... what else would you use?" Gerard asked, genuinely confused.

"A brush... some people don't like using their hands when styling their hair 'cause it makes it greasy quicker." Frank explained, turning the hair dryer off again so he could hear Gerard properly.

"Oh, Okay, no I don't mind what you use." Gerard laughed lightly and Frank turned the hairdryer back on again, threading his fingers through Gerard's hair and drying it, working his way round Gerard's head in sections.

"There you go!" Frank finally said, turning the hairdryer off and setting it down. Gerard tilted his head to the side, looking at himself in the mirror. He hadn't had his hair down for a very long time, but he wasn't going to lie, he did like it, whatever Frank had done to it.

"I-" Gerard started, but Frank was already in his lap, staring up at the bright red hair and twisting his fingers through it.

"It's so soft-"

"I've got your shampoo to thank there."

Frank blushed, but didn't look away, smiling as he held the strands of hair out, just watching, observing the way Gerard's hair fell back to its original place.

"You like it?" Gerard asked shyly after a minute of silence.

"Yeah, course I do." Frank smiled, leaning closer to Gerard. The smaller male leant forwards against Gerard's chest, letting out a contented sigh when the punk wrapped his arms around Frank, pulling him slightly closer and resting his chin on Frank's head.

"Frank- I- I need to ask you something, is that okay?" Gerard asked quietly, moving his head to the side slightly so he wouldn't accidentally hurt Frank whilst trying to talk to him.

"Oh shoot, um, sure."

"It's not bad- I promise, it's just, I- I really like you, but you ran when I first told you that, and never really gave me a straight answer about how you feel about me, and I don't wanna get hurt if you don't like me too- if you get what I mean?"

"Yeah, I- that's okay, I totally understand Gee, I don't think I ever told you this before, but all my past boyfriends only wanted me for the sex, because I'd just let them do anything to me, let them have their way with me however they wanted, and then once they got bored they'd just leave, and I- I-" Frank tried to explain but tears pricked at his eyes and he choked up, stopping speaking for a moment so he could dry the tears on Gerard's shirt.

"Hey, Shh, it's okay, I didn't mean to upset you." Gerard tried to comfort Frank, stroking the back of his hair and rubbing his back gently.

"No- I- I need to tell you this so you understand my answer, because it's not really one that you asked for... but I was scared that you'd find out about this and you'd either up and leave straight away, because no one wants to be friends with a whore, or you- you'd end up actually liking me for me, and then find out about this and use me like everyone else, and I'm tired of it, I'm tired and angry and upset and I don't want it to happen again, and I got scared when you told me you liked me-" Frank choked out, "and the reason I like our- our- What we have so much is because it's like a relationship, but it isn't labelled, and I can cuddle you and not have to worry about you leaving and you're there for me, as much as you make out that you hate contact and I just like this, and I'm scared of change I just don't want you to leave-" Frank sobbed.

"I won't leave you, I promise Frankie, I promise, okay?" Gerard mumbled softly, cupping Frank's face in his hands and lifting them so Frank was forced to look up at Gerard.

"Okay." Frank sniffled, his eyes opening and closing slowly as he tried to calm himself down.

"Can I do something crazy?" He then asked quietly, tilting his head slightly. Gerard nodded, dropping his hands to Frank's waist.

"Close your eyes." Frank whispered and Gerard let his eyes flutter shut. Frank then surprised him by climbing off Gerard's lap, disappearing somewhere into his room.

"Frank?" Gerard called out, "what're you doing?"

"Going to bed... that okay?" Frank replied, letting out a small giggle at the end and Gerard could hear the faint sound of clothes hitting the ground.

"Sure, but why'd I need to close my eyes?"

"Because, mr, I need to get changed and I don't want you peeking." Frank giggled, tapping Gerard on the nose before disappearing again. Gerard smiled at the smaller male's actions, a certain fondness for Frank's many quirks that seemed to attract Gerard to him.

"Frankie?" Gerard called our again.


"Isn't it like... 2pm?"

"Uh... yeah, why?"

"Well you're going to bed now, how on Earth are you going to sleep tonight?"

"Oh... uh. I don't know... should I not go to bed then?" Frank asked quietly, as though he were scared of what Gerard might say to him, how the punk might react.

"Well, you can go to bed if you want to, but I- you know what, never mind, just go to bed." Gerard said, cutting himself off as he changed his mind.

"What, Gee, what is it?" Frank asked, plopping himself back down into Gerard's lap - who let out a surprised gasp at the unexpected action.

"No- it's nothing, don't worry about it-" Gerard mumbled, standing his ground but also finding it very hard with Frank sat in his lap.

"Please tell me." Frank mumbled, leaning against Gerard's chest again, fiddling with the edge of Gerard's shirt.

"I- I just thought we would be spending more time together... but you've slept for most of it- not that I mind of course! You need your sleep, but you're getting ready for bed again now and- well, y'know..." Gerard trailed off. Frank didn't move, and Gerard had no idea what the smaller male was thinking, he still had his eyes closed which really didn't help that.

"You wanna spend time with me?" Frank asked meekly.

"Yes Frankie, we've already been over this-"

"I know I know, but-"

"But nothing, shh," Gerard pulled Frank closer, wrapping his arms around the smaller boy.

"...okay... well, what d'you wanna do?"

"We could watch a movie? Or play a game... or, um..."

"Let's watch a movie." Frank smiled against Gerard's chest.

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