Untitled Part 24

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The first view of the completed art studio was nothing short of elegant.

Charles had the floor covered in a creamy light brown wood flooring with pure white stained walls.

He made a note to go over the resumes from Ms. Aclow to pick a receptionist for the studio but also to pick a replacement for Ms. Aclow for sharing too much with Diana.

There was a hallway to the back of the studio to the right of which were three doors labeled studio one, two, and three, Charles smiled with pride and thought of the busy halls as his business grew.

There was one single doorway to his left which lead to his darkroom, his control room, his employee lounge, and his graphics area.

Charles entered his personal four-digit code to the employee area and walked straight to his new office from which he would be keeping a close eye Morgan Enterprises and Diana.

Taking in the look and feel of the new surroundings; he liked what he saw and more importantly he liked how it made him feel to be starting from scratch instead of fixing someone else's failed company.

Settling into work, he began reviewing the website for Haut Monde Studio addressing shipping issues for necessary items before the opening and ordering some new props for use in the studios, he double-checked that all three studios had the same props for use in photos; and finalized some interviews for tomorrow so that he could get a receptionist and studio assistant to start as soon as possible.

He would also have to find two full-time photographers for when he wasn't here, graphic and digital artist, photo editor, Image stylist, interior designer and control room attendant.

Charles finished his notes for session planning to add to the website and emailed the website designer with that and other changes then stopped to collect new Hasselblad H5D 200MS cameras and Pentax 645Z; two for each studio.

The order also included three Phantom HD Gold video cameras; umbrellas, background support, light tents, photo albums, frames and several other items of equipment which would help make his venture successful.

As the delivery team left Charles looked at the wall clock and noted the time it was late afternoon and he wondered how Nathalie had spent the balance of her day and if she'd finished packing.

She'd changed her mind after she stumbled in the cemetery and opted to visit her old apartment to pack some things and get a dry change of clothes as she didn't have one in his car as he did. She hadn't called and he wondered if she was able to accomplish what she'd wanted hurriedly he finished his list so that he could get back to her.


When Charles got to Nathalie's' apartment he knocked and waited impatiently for her to open the door, "You took your time" he said kissing her forehead and stepping past her into the small apartment, "you also didn't call-as per usual-so I assumed that you're working as hard as I was and would be finished by now. Are you?"

"No, not even close"

"So, what did you do all day?" Charles asked as Nathalie hopped up to him and put her arms around his waist burring her head in his chest "feels like soul searching" he said as he folded his arms around her shoulders and sunk his face in her hair, "I think I missed you today, and I felt that you would be lonely here by yourself. Are you?"

"No... but I don't mind the company" She teased pulling him closer, "I was looking through Jessie's things when you knocked, paused on the delicate folding of a sweeter to come to fetch you from the front door"

He smiled, "What are you going to do with it?"

"I'll have to give away what's of use and throw the rest away. I'll keep some for the good memories we've had here" Nathalie pulled away from Charles and limped down the hall towards Jessie's room, Charles followed to find her picking up where she'd stopped to let him in.

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