Alya : "What do you mean by 'if I want to'? Are you saying that you don't want to continue? Have you forgotten you were the one who took initiative and asked me out? After being in a relationship for more than three years, are you trying to back out now?"

        Manik : "I remember very well. That was one of the reasons I had been trying to uphold our relationship. As you said, it is more than three years, even then you don't trust me. I don't find any point in me bearing with your possessive nature anymore, so I'll leave it to you. I don't guarantee anything, but I will give one last try to sustain the relationship if you are ready to change your attitude. Otherwise, let's breakup. I don't mind putting an end to this relationship right today, right now."

        Alya hadn't expected that Manik would be ready to breakup with her immediately. She wasn't ready to let go of him. It was also the question of her image, so she had to do some damage control. She changed her strategy. She moved seductively towards him, intending to divert his mind.

        Alya : "Baby, I am possessive of you, because I love you. If you feel that it is suffocating you, I will try to work on changing my nature. Don't get upset now. Let's not ruin the evening."

        He wasn't the youngster who got attracted to her or the old Manik who would adjust with her to keep the relationship going. He stopped her before she could lay her hands on him.

        Manik : "I am not in a mood for all this. Till I feel that you have really changed, I would prefer if you refrain from such gestures. I am done with what I was here for, so I will take leave now."

        Manik left. Alya's thoughts were going elsewhere instead of thinking of how to change for the better.

        Alya (to herself) : "Manik wasn't like this all these years. He has changed after Nandini became a part of the competition. He supported her going against me. She has cast a spell on him and she is taking him away from me. It is because of her he wants to breakup with me. I have to ensure that Nandini stays away from Manik in all ways, then he will come back to me."


        Raj was at college for trustee related work. He met Nandini while returning home. Nandini was also ready to leave. So Raj forced her to go home with him. He called Manik.

        Raj : "I am going home now. I met Nandini, so I am taking her with me. You know how much your mom wants to meet her. Nandini was hesitating to come with me because she hadn't informed anyone at home. So, inform Abhi and let him know that I will drop her home later."

        Manik informed Abhi about it.

        Alya was also present there. She had distanced Fab5 from Nandini. She felt that Manik's parents' attachment with Nandini could bring Nandini back into their lives. So she began thinking of ways to keep Nandini from Manik's parents, especially Nyonika.


        When Alya met Nyonika next time, she tried to bad-mouth Nandini.

        Alya : "Aunty, why are you getting close to Nandini? Her intentions aren't right. I don't know if you know, but she is responsible for my accident."

        Alya didn't know that Nyonika knew Nandini from before. No one had updated her on how Manik and Nyonika knew Nandini.

        Nyonika : "You are mistaken. She isn't someone who pushes you off the stairs, she is someone who saves you from falling off the stairs."

        Nyonika knew about Alya's misunderstanding, but not about her actual evil deed.


        It was Nyonika and Raj's wedding anniversary. A lot of people were invited for the party, including Fab5 and Nandini. Since Alya knew Nandini would come for the party, she made a plan to create a bad impression of Nandini in front of Manik's parents.

        Alya pretended to help by serving the drinks. She also came to Nandini and offered a drink. Nandini accepted the juice, not knowing that it was spiked. After giving juice to Nandini, Alya watched her till she finished the juice from a distance, then she went and joined Mukti. Alya was eagerly waiting for the drink to take effect, so that Nandini would start behaving weirdly.

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