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revamping the book! :) - 18/10/2020


Tori Vega enters into her school, Hollywood Arts, the confidence emitting off the smile on her face and into the air. For some reason at that very moment, she thought she was at the top of the world as if no one can stop her. Upon entering, her eyes directed themselves towards her group of friends that were all huddled near her locker, however one person seemed to be missing. The smile fades slightly as she scans each single one of them:

Cat Valentine, with her vibrant red hair.

Robbie Shapiro, with Rex in his hand who was most likely talking about the pretty girls from Northridge. 

Beck and Andre, the two people who have somehow been able to handle all of their asses.

More specifically, Tori.

And Jade.

A frown appears on Tori's face from the sudden flush of frustration. Ever since Tori had arrived at Hollywood Arts, she and Jade had never seemed to be able to flip themselves onto the right page. Each exchange of words would conclude with an argument, with Jade's words sticking to her like glue. Tori didn't know what to think of Jade because the girl just seemed to be incredibly hard to read. She has mixed feelings about her, and that is definitely one of her worst issues, and settling on one type was emotionally impossible.

But about Jade, there was something about her that Tori couldn't quite put a finger on. There was something about the wall that surrounded her that rose her curiosities beyond how much they should have been. There was just so much she wanted to know about the girl, but knew how hard it would be.

"Hi, Tori!" A high-pitched voice sucks her out of the thoughts in her head, and as she looked, Tori could see Cat sprinting her way towards her like the Flash, wrapping a pair of arms around her small waist with a squeezing hug.

"Woah, hey Cat." Tori manages to spit out, hugging the shorter girl back.

It didn't take long for her other friends to join them. However as Tori's eyes searched desperately for the one person she wanted to see, Jade West was nowhere to be found, and her mind wandered just where the girl could possibly be. However, she dismisses it, biting at her bottom lip nervously, sighing lightly, as she releases her embrace from Cat.

"Hey, Tori!" Andre greets eagerly, rushing himself towards the brunette in the middle of the hallway. Beck and Robbie follow along, standing besides the rest of them with awkward smiles on their faces. 

All of them just stand there for a few moments, unsure of what to do or what to say next. Before anyone could speak up, the bell rings loudly, with all the lingering students in the hallways all sprinting to their desired classes in hopes of not being late. Luckily, Tori had her class with Sikowitz and with all of her friends, so the group all walked together towards the classroom, with Andre's arm swung around Tori's shoulder and Cat vividly telling a story about how her brother managed to lock her in the bathroom a few years back.

"He made me think there was a portal to a magical unicorn forest in the bathroom," Cat explains to them with her eyes finding the air more interesting than looking directly at them. "Next I knew, I didn't see any unicorns, only darkness."

Behind them, Robbie blushes nervously as he quickens his pace to walk beside Cat. Tori could see the tenseness when he arrived next to the red-haired girl, furrowing a brow in slight curiosity.

𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 | jori ✓ {revamping}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ