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I sat on the side of my bed with both hands supporting my throbbing head. I hate waking up in the morning with a headache. This is due to the fact that I haven't slept well last night. Not only last night but every single night since the night Pluem and I ended things.

It's been a quiet few days that passed and I haven't talked to him yet. I have to admit I miss Pluem so badly that it hurts. It's incomparable to the headache that I am currently experiencing.

*ring* *ring*

I reached for my phone that was on top of my bedside table, I didn't bother looking at the caller's name because I couldn't careless with the pain I am experiencing with.

"Hello!" I answered groggily.

"Hey, babe!" The caller said. I was startled a bit when the caller called me 'babe'. I took a pause and said, "...who?"

The other person on the line sighed and replied, "It's me, Nanon."

"Oh," I said, finally realizing who owns the voice. "sorry, I didn't recognize you. I just woke up and my head hurts." I explained.

He lets out a long sigh again. 

"You didn't sleep well again?" Nanon asked.

I nodded even though he didn't see it. 

"Is it because of 'him' again?" He asked. 

"uhmmm...yeah," I said bitterly. He sighed again. Guilt somewhat overshadowed my feelings. I just realized that Nanon is my boyfriend, and yet we're talking about the guy that broke my heart. "Stop sighing, babe" I'm still not used at calling Nanon with our endearment which he insisted the night he found me crying in the park. "'cause if you don't you'll get wrinkles then you'll be ugly as him." I joked to lighten the mood. 

He chuckled. "That won't happen, I'm far more handsome than Pluem."

"That you are, babe!" I replied. That was not a lie. Nanon is a great looking bloke, he's kinda creepy at times but he is on the same level as Pluem when it comes to being handsome. I sounded so gay, but whatever.

"Anyways, I'm almost at your house. Just wanted to greet you a 'good morning', so uhmm...yeah Good Morning, babe!" He cheerfully said then I laughed. He's adorable I can't stand it.

"Good Morning to you too!" 

"Alright, see you in a jiffy! Go wash up, I can smell you from way over here." He teased.

"Nanon!" I scolded him, but he just laughed it off and hanged up the phone.

I got up from my bed and head to the bathroom to have a quick shower. I turned on the shower to Hot. I'm letting it run for a bit to warm up the water. 

While the shower is heating, I stripped down all my clothes off and saw myself in the mirror. I needed a haircut. My skin is pale and I started having breakouts here and there. I stopped caring for myself. 

I stared at myself. The bags under my eyes are more prominent than before and I've been losing weight fast. I looked into my eyes and I can tell they haven't been shining the way they shone before. I'm a completely different person. This is all because of Pluem. It's hard to admit, but I miss him. 

I sighed. 

My reflection on the mirror is turning blurry and the washroom is foggy due to the hot water from the shower. I stepped in the shower and let the warm water run down on me. 

My thoughts started flooding down on me. It got me thinking about what happened in the past few days with Pluem out of my life. 

I thought about all the people involved in the mess that I did since Pluem and I separated.

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