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"Why the fuck did you kiss me?!" I said as I pushed him away from me. He fell on the ground with confusion written all over his beautiful face. Yeah, you read it right. That beautiful being over there is my best friend, Pluem Purim. Looking at him makes my world ten times brighter, also he made it worse at the same time. How can I describe him? He looks like an angel but acts like a devil. Don't get me wrong, Pluem can be very annoying at times especially at times like these. You'll never know what's going through his mind. He's also charming, he always tends to get away out of trouble just because of the way he looks. I know, it's unfair but hey...no one is complaining... even me. How can one person brightens up your day and also ruins it? Well...I guess that's what you'll feel if you love the person... and also hate him...especially at this moment.

"Why the fuck did you pushed me for?!" He shouted when he realized he was on the floor, and angrily got up while cleaning his pants off. He walked towards me with anger taking over his face. "You kissed me, Pluem. You fucking kissed me?!" I shouted. I was mad. No, I'm furious...and freaking confused. Why the hell would he kiss me? I mean, don't get me wrong I like...love it, imagine being kissed by your crush. That's the most incredible feeling, right? Wait, that got me thinking, is he gay too? It can' - 

"You said you were gay." Pluem said, cutting me off on my daydreaming.

"Yeah, I did."

"Was it a joke?"

"Why would joke about something serious?"

"I don't know...maybe you're pranking me" Why the hell would I do that? Oh, did I tell you Pluem can't sense a common sense? 

"I am, Pluem. I am gay. I've told you that a week ago," Yeah, I didn't hear anything from him for a solid week after I came out to him. No texts, No messages, No Hi's, No Hello's, No nothing. I thought I lost my best friend just because I was being true to myself. "...after you left me hanging."

"I don't believe you, Chimon. Not one bit" He said while avoiding my stares.

I just stared at him waiting for him to continue whatever thoughts on his pretty little mind.

"You pushed me when I kissed you." He said. He locked up eyes with me. I was beginning to be uncomfortable. It's a good uncomfortable his stares are too intense for me to handle. He's pretty good looking. I can't handle that, I might jump him.

"Well, I uh-" I was going to defend myself but I was cut off again. Of course, classic Pluem.

"You pushed me because you don't like being kissed by a guy." He said it with glee thinking that he figured everything out regarding my sexuality. I was baffled by his 'conspiracy theory' about me. I rolled my eyes at him ready to head out of the door. I was going to turn around him and walk,  but in one swift move, he grabbed the bag on my back and protectively hid it behind his back. I was taken aback at how fast he did it. I can't even explain how he did it, it surprised me. Pluem surely knows that I won't leave the room without my bag. Ofcourse, he knows that studying is my top priority other than him. I have no way out now. 

I took a deep breath and stared at him with the intent of killing him right there and then. He held me hostage. "Pluem, I am gay! G-A-Y. Gay!" I took a step forward to grab my bag but he swatted my hand and ignored me. He then chooses to run to the other side of the room so that I won't be able to reach him. I shouted his name angrily and just stood there. I have no time playing with him. He was expecting me to chase him, but I didn't follow him, I just stood there on my place and look at him dead in the eye once again. 

Alright, if he wants to play  I'll play with him. I acted looking down on my foot as if that's the most interesting thing at the moment. "I like DUDES, I love looking at their abs...especially those who have 6 packs." I know saying this would make him uncomfortable. He's straight as a pole for crying out loud. His face has turned from being serious to being disgusted. "and, oh!.. those biceps of those DUDES, I am all for it. I love DUDES who have big muscular arms." At this point, I'm holding my laugh. Disgust was written all over Pluem's face, but I continued. "especially those DUDES who have a large package in their pan-" 

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