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"Are you ready?"

"What the heck?!" I was startled when I heard Pluem speak as I exited the room. I'm always the last person to leave the class. Why? Well, I have two reasons: one, I don't want to fight my way to get out of the class as everyone does. Second is Pluem, he likes the attention every time my female classmates gather to greet him, so I let him be for a while. I always sit in my seat for a good 15 minutes just writing stuff or updating my planner. It makes my life easier to have a planner, so I don't have to procrastinate when the deadline is due soon. 

Pluem chuckled softly. "How long have you been there?" I asked him.

"A while.

"Huh? Why didn't you come in to get me?" I asked him while we're walking in the hallway of the building. 

"You know I don't do that...I respect your peace, so I patiently wait outside!"  he said to me and giving intent on the 'patiently'.

I rolled my eyes at him. This became my habit after I came out to him. I don't know why, but he became more intolerable these past few days.

Ainam didn't want to come even though I gave my all just to persuade her, but in the end, she still ditched me. What a good friend, that one!? Anyways, I think it should be fine. It's just boys hanging around, right? Ainam and I didn't have the last class today, so Pluem was relieved when I came out of the class alone.

We were almost out of the building when he asked me if I was hungry, I told him not to bother because for sure we will be eating at the 'hang out' place.

"We can go to a drive-thru tho." he insisted.

I sighed and nodded. Sometimes I wonder if he really does care about me or he's just really hungry. Anyways, he would still persist it because he's just that stubborn and I won't win in any other way.

"Can I drive?" I asked him when we approached his Yellow Cayman Porsche. This thing is a beauty. I always like this car of his, and he never lets me drive it. I swear, sometimes I wished I was born rich, Pluem is one lucky bastard.

"Nah-uh. You aren't my girlfriend, so never in a million years...just get in!" He sticks out his tongue and entered the driver's side. I just did what he told me. "You're selfish sometimes!" I told him when I buckled my seat belt.

"Mon, I'd rather drive you safely than you driving me to death!" He laughed as he starts the car.

I slumped back on my seat and quickly connect the Bluetooth to my phone. "Hey!" he complained as he tried to disconnect my phone on the car's screen, so I swatted his hand out of the way. "Nah-uh!" I told him. "since you are being a selfish bastard, I'll have the speakers on love songs!"

"You can't do that!"

"I can and I will!" I said to him then I went to Spotify and played all the love songs on the recommended page. Pluem doesn't like romantic things, especially cheesy love songs. He said it was too girly for him and might hurt his manly ego. He never liked any rom-com movies as well.

The intro of the first song was playing when he pressed skip on the steering wheel. Oh yeah, I forgot he has access to that, so in return, I punched him in the shoulder that caused the car to swerve a little in the road. Ooops! I didn't mean to do that. 

"Fck, Chimon! Are you trying to kill us!" He yelled when he steadied the car. 

I know I should be guilty, but I need to put the blame on him so I said, "Well, if you'll just let me play the songs that wouldn't happen!" He grunted as his reply. I guess I win!

Instead of arguing, I took out my phone again and pressed shuffle.

"Two old friends meet again, Wearin' older faces and talk about the places they've been...two old sweethearts who fell apart somewhere long ago... someday they'd meet again and have a need for more than reminiscin'... Maybe this time it'll be lovin' they'll find... Maybe now they can be more than just friends..."

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