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After Pluem and I made up the other day, we've had nonstop texts and he came over yesterday just to hang out with me. He suggested that I should get ready for today because it will be the first mission of getting me back. I still can't believe that I agreed to it, he got me on his charms. Damn him.

He also told me to wear any sports attire, so I guess we're playing basketball. Although he didn't tell me that I just figured it out since he's good at it, but he knows that I don't know how it works. Maybe he'll teach me how to play other balls today.

It's Saturday today, both Pluem and I had no classes today. Yeah, if you are in college you'll most definitely have some weekend classes, but Pluem and I like our Saturdays off. The good thing in our school they let us build our timeline schedule of classes. Pluem and I made sure that we have the same lunch periods and the latest class, so he and I can go home together. He's that clingy to me. I swear if all of his science-related subjects in high school are above 95, he might take Nursing as well. He's so mad about it, but he can't do anything about it. So he just enrolled in the same university that I am in. When I asked him why he wanted to be wherever I will be he said, 'I don't know what will happen to me if I'm no longer close to you.'. That made my heart flutter. Stupid Pluem, he made me fall even deeper.



The text read. It was from Pluem.

'ok. I'll be out' I typed back.

I'm going in. He replied.

Before I could type anything. I could hear the door opening and a yell from him.

"Mae, I'm here!"

I run to the door and tried to push him out. He's leaner and stronger than me, so my effort of pushing him out is no use. Well, I tried.

The thing is, my mom adores him too much. It pains me to see how close they are. Every time Pluem visits us, Mom spoils him to death. It's like I'm being he's real son, and I'm the treated as the guest. Pluem knows it, and he's making it as an advantage.

"Get out!" I yelled at him.

"Nah-uh, I wanna know what's Mae's cooking for lunch!"

"Nothing. She's not cooking anything." I told him but he ignored me and pushed me aside.

"Mae!" He yelled.

"Here in the kitchen." My mom replied. I feel defeated.

I sighed and followed Pluem going to the kitchen.

And there they are talking like they haven't seen in each other for a decade, when in fact, Pluem was just here yesterday. Pluem is sitting in the kitchen table munching on cookies that were baked last night. Mom is standing in front of the fridge wearing an apron while pouring cold milk in a glass which I assumed is for Pluem.

I took the glass from her hand and sat angrily facing Pluem. He just smiled sheepishly at me. He loves it when he knows I'm being annoyed at him because of my mom. "That's for Pluem, Mon!" My mom said.

"He can get it by himself!" I retorted while grabbing a cookie in the plate. I munched it like I'm tearing a carcass into shred.

"So can you." She replied but grabbed another glass for him.

"You're spoiling him too much," I said while throwing daggers at the boy who's enjoying the conversation between me and mother.

She ignored me and took the seat next to me, and handed Pluem his milk. "So..what's your plan today?"

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