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Maybe avoiding him was not the best idea I had in mind. It's been a week since I started my routine avoiding him. He still waits outside the room, but I manage to make excuses every time he attempts to collect me. It's either me running away from him, or I acted like I had a project to finish with my other friends. It's beginning to be a habit, an exhausting one I might add. Day by day I get fewer texts from him. It's painful, I know.

So today I've decided to make things up with him. He's my best friend, the love of my life and I can't bear to lose him. I'm not ready for that. Although I'm not gonna lie, I'm still skeptical about the reconciliation with him because he might still push through the thought that I should be straight.

It's the end of my last class today, Pluem was nowhere outside the class. I stood in the hallway looking out for him. I'm just there looking like a lost puppy, waiting for its owner to come back. I sighed for the nth time now.

"You're still here?"

I looked at the owner of the voice hoping it was my best friend, but the owner has a soft female voice. Sure enough, it wasn't him. It belongs to my classmate, Ainam. She's one of those girls that does not fangirl to Pluem whenever he's around. That's why I like this girl, she'll never steal my man from me.

I nodded in response to her question.

"You're waiting for him, aren't you?" I nodded once again. "Call me nosy, but why are you avoiding him? I've been watching you stalling in the back every time we had a class together, and we usually have the latest class. I figured you were avoiding Pluem. Am I right?" Did I mention she can talk a lot?

I smiled at her and scratch the back of my head announcing to her that she had me figured out. "Yeah, I and he isn't on good terms, but I thought about it and figured I should make up with him."

She shrieked like a pig being butchered. I thought my ears would fall off. "Jesus Christ, Ainam! What's gotten into you?!"

"I'm sorry, it's just that I think you guys are so cute together." Alright, I didn't expect her to be a fangirl.

She's jumped into me and hugged me tight almost knocking the air out of my lungs.

"Calm down, girl."

"Sorry, I can be over the top sometimes" She lets go of me, but stand close to me so that I can hear her whisper.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asked.

So I told her everything. Ainam seems to be a good keeper of secrets, she can be my confidant. I know she will.

She hugged me after I shared everything with her, she didn't say anything. I think that's all the response I needed it made me sure that what I'm feeling is okay.

"Pluem will come around," She assured me. "it may seem like that he doesn't accept you, but it looks like he's buying his time to made up his mind."

"You think so?" I ask.

She leans closer and whispered. "Maybe...tell you what I think he likes you too, he just doesn't know it yet."

"You're crazy." I laughed.

"Do you want me to prove it?"

I was going to say something, but I was stunned because Ainam was leaning even closer and placed a kiss between my upper lip and nose. She placed a quick kiss on my 'philtrum'. She leans out with a grin plastered on my face. But before I could react someone interrupted me.

"Chimon," said the owner of the voice. There were sternness and anger clearly heard from the tone of it.

It was Pluem.

Wild & WickedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora