"I don't want you to die, Abba. Stop talking about death please, I need you." She put her head on his chest and cry her eyes for hours before he took his last breath saying the beautiful kalimatu alshahadah which lighten up Falak's heart a little.

Falak was torn after they took her father to the graveyard with everything happening under her own eyes but can't do a thing to stop it. That's what has been written all along for him and her and now she'll have to go to this address and find some answers. She can't stay here even if he didn't ask her to leave.

This Karima woman is her mother and they never really talked about her with her father. Even Adama doesn't mention her name in the house no matter how many insults she'll rain at her, her mother's name was never mentioned which is a huge surprise.

She immediately took the faded ghana-must-go bag that she had and put everything inside. Her father's treasured stuff that he gave her and her clothes, well, torn clothes and old. Not daring to forget about the address that's written in the old crumped paper. She's ready to leave the house and village of Matan fada for good.

She immediately snuck out between people and wasn't noticed because she closed her face. She sighed when she settle her feet in Marawiyyah's house which is so much like hers. Marawiyyah never liked living in this house with her stepmothers but she always hides it very well. There are so many differences between the two stepmothers, one treats her well and the other doesn't.

When Marawiyyah went to her house earlier to say her condolence, Falak asked her to go back home that she'll be coming there in no time and she needs some money. Her father only have seven hundred naira -two old two hundreds, one old one hundred naira and some little change that manage to fix two hundred.

"Marawiyyah, I'm leaving this village right now. I have to go to this address but don't have enough money and from seeing this place, it looks like the city where everything is expensive." Falak sarcastically said.

Marawiyyah is not at all shocked that Falak didn't cry for she hardly does that. She's always the happy easy going girl with no worries but she's also a little surprised since this is her father they're talking about. There is a little gleam of gloom in her eyes which she's trying to hide. She should of cried a little but then again, Falak has this thing for bottling her emotions and no matter what she'll say to her, she wouldn't listen.

"I'm behind you. I have three hundred here, making it one thousand, maybe it'll be enough. I don't have much and you know I can't ask Baaba for it. She will slap me for asking." Marawiyyah worriedly replied.

"It'll be enough inshaa'Allah or I'll just have to ask for help there. I'll come back to see you insha'Allah, always be ready for me." Falak chuckled.

The girls went out and straight to the bus stop where old green and yellow buses always stop to take passengers. Before they could reach there, they met Sani -her secret admirer who she's older than- on the way and he offered to help with the four hundred he has and then they put Falak in the middle so that no one would notice her.

"You're leaving for the city right?" Sani asked, looking up at Falak with sad eyes and he looks upset.

"Yes! Abba asked me to leave immediately after his corpse is out of the house. He doesn't want me to feel discouraged or let Adama manipulate me." She explained solemnly. Everyone knows how baneful Adams can be especially now that Mallam Muhammad is not there.

"There's always a positive to those negative times, because you come out of it so much stronger and wiser. Strength comes from every hardship, and it's been a lesson for me." He advised when he looked at the sad expression etched on her face.

"Thank you." She had never been grateful and that she finally know how he is, she wished she's talked to him earlier.

"Visit us please." Sani pleaded, he love this girl in front of him even though she's out if his reach, but he does love her somewhere deep within.

"I will, insha'Allah." She promised before turning to Marawiyyah.

"Bye, be happy!" Marawiyyah and Sani both say in unison when she settle down at the back seat of an old beat up yellow and green bus.

"Take this." Marawiyyah said, passing her the black nylon leather filled with groundnuts.

"Thank you." She beamed at her just before the car took off and she couldn't see them again.

The ride in the bus was stressing and exhausting to Falak for she was squashed between two women both with children. When she started to feel hungry, she opened the nylon leather and started eating only to be interrupted when a girl started crying beside her. She gave her some and the other one also cause their mothers are sleeping.

After the long ride, they finally reached Kano and she paid for the fare before looking at the yet another bus stop but this one is way finer than the one in Mayan Fada. Many tricycles sat, waiting for customers as some of them eat, some gist, some polish their already burnishing tricycles and so on.

She went to one kind looking man and ask him to take her to the address she's been holding. He asked whether she's mad or lost but she assured him that the person that gave her that paper said she'll find her mother there. He reluctantly took her and stopped faraway from the house then showed her the way she should follow.

Why he didn't take her there is beyond her. Whose house is this that they can't even park their stuff around it's huge estate? She can't see the house from where she is but there are so many plush greenery surrounding her and could see a golden gate by the far end. Wow, there are many things to see in city!

Look who just updated, yeah, yours truly Aisha. I love this my name o. Drop yours if you love it also, is our Falak mad after her father's death? Uh oh. Read, vote and comment and tag...

RQ; Have you ever opened your fridge and close it while peeping your head to see whether the light will turn off? I did o, so many times to be precise😹 have you?


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