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Kano State, Nigeria.

Falak was bored the next day because they didn't leave the house and she didn't cause him any problem which irked her. She wanted to use the whole first month of their marriage life torturing him in one way or the other. So she buckled her belt to do something today, though it is not deadly, she just wants to cause him discomfort in one way or the other.

She got dressed in sweats and and add her new black after dress abaya on top. She picked her phone and left the closet to find Shaddad who is silently working in the backyard she made. That irked her again because she didn't get why he is launching the place she made. He didn't bother making it look comfortable when he was living alone and now that she did it, he has the nerve to sit.

"So, Statue, I think we should do something today other touching your laptop, don't you think?" She placed a creepy sweet smile that he would've find beautiful if not that this Falak in front of him is in for his life so he won't exactly say beautiful.

He stopped his fingers mid word and continue to stare at his wife as if he wants to figure her out. The only thing he knew is that she won't do anything too stupid but it is still stupid nonetheless though he can give it a try. She won't let any awkward silence come between them and that is something he likes about her, gradually, he will get to like everything about her but for now, he should get to know who this Falak is.

From the first time he's known her, she changed with each passing time if he would say so himself. The first time he met her, she was all awkward and childish and when she came back after her first year, she became more beautiful, a little bit mature and blunt and then he didn't get to see her much till after she graduated and this time, she was more blunt, ventures, dareful and stood tall like a woman.

He is not a stalker but there is almost nothing he doesn't know about her life ever since she dropped her feet in the Palace. He knew she is just something to protect. Growing up amidst males, he didn't get to have that attachment with a female and be protective and when their stepmother came along, they were very protective and respective even without talking to her all the time. They liked their attention and the different feeling of having a woman in their home.

All the attention Falak is getting from his brothers is because all of them craved for a woman in the house. That pink colour stuff and feminine scent and soft voice, they got that when she came along. Her mother and her brought nothing but happiness in the Palace and even the servants will agree with that. When Falak will go back to school, the house will go back to it's cold self and the Princes will be scary again so everyone is just waiting for her to come back all the time.

"What?" He scrunched his face at her when she beamed, showing her extra white teeth in the open.

Another thing he started doing in her presence is showing emotions. He was so used to not moving the muscles across his face that whenever he smiled or moved a muscle from his face, it ached and feels so weird. But the thing with Falak is, she won't let him go off without that smile or emotions. She acts like she doesn't understand him and he will have to talk longer and show expressions for her to understand.

Yesterday that they didn't do anything special, she sat him down and kept talking about her life in the village and India and he didn't get any chance to interfere or correct her when she says something wrong. Like how she called a dormitory then he figured that that was the abbreviation of it so he kept quite and keenly listen to her. She is refreshing and he didn't know why he rejected her in the first place.

At first when she said she loved him, he thought it was just her childish head and nothing else but after years and she still look at him with those soft eyes, he knew she was been truthful even then. She stopped talking to him and it bothered him for some odd reasons.

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